07/18/2019 – Free Smoke Detector Programs

For some peers in recovery part of their journey involves finding a place to live. When moving into a new home you might not have everything you need, last week we added a material needs page to rockingrecovery.org.

Today we have added something we know everyone should have. 2 national smoke detector programs and 1 local ongoing program. There are also suggestions on the page about contacting local fire departments and public health offices. Many areas offer free smoke detector programs but may only have a limited window of opportunity or limited supplies. If we encounter any other programs that offer year round availability they will be added to the resource list.

NOTE: It is important to keep your smoke detector in good working order. Please follow these simple steps.

Test your detector once a month

Replace batteries once a year

Replace your smoke detector every 10 years

💛😁 THIS IS APART SELF CARE! Keep your environment safe, a safe space is a healthy space.

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