What is community? In our minds community is not a place or a simple group of people. A community is a bond that brings people together from all walks of life, folks who care about others and who will support you. Ripples Community pages talk a little about how we try to make a difference in our local area, in this case Connecticut.

Community Conversations: So what is a Community Conversation exactly? In the past Ripple hosted a series of classes at local clubhouses, community centers, hospitals, and schools. These gatherings were educational, but the purpose was to engage peers in the community, share stories and educate one another.

Advocacy: Ripple is very active in the community, and we make our voices heard. Together with other organizations we frequently gather at the legislative office building in Hartford. We offer testimony based on our lived experience as peers in the recovery movement. Subjects ranging from insurance reimbursement for services provided by Recovery Support Specialists to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) budget. Through our interactions with members of the legislature, we educate our leaders on issues that are important to people all over our state.

Our Calendar: this site highlights all of the nationally recognized awareness, days, weeks, and months that are relevant to the mental health and recovery community. Local events that are listed here from organizations in Connecticut are likely displayed because we are either trying to support them or that someone from Ripple will be in attendance.

Testimonials: If you have worked with ripple in the past and would like to share your story about us please feel free to send us an email with your testimonial. Also include the organization you are affiliated with as well as the date and event where we presented, thank you.
Please send your thoughts and comments through the contact page HERE