In Connecticut the conversation on creating a peer run respite has been gaining a lot of momentum over the last year. There is a lot of information on various respite models, logistics, policies, funding, and so on already available. The goal of this page is to serve as quick reference guide to find this information.

CT Respite Group Talking Points
The conversation about the cost of a peer respite in Connecticut is going to start with the facility. A typical respite is a stand alone house. For our needs a four bedroom home with a minimum of 2 full bathrooms, 2 1/2 would be preferable. The structure should be one story, this will better serve peers who may live with mobility issues and allow the managing peer organization an easier path to ADA compliance.
Property logistics: It should have off street parking to accommodate up to six vehicles. The location should be easily accessible to public transportation routes. The lot should be large enough were the outside, 1/2 acre would large enough for various activities.
Currently houses that fit these criteria can be located in all five regions of the state for $500,000 each. This number is important. In a Connecticut Mirror article published on November 24th, 2017 they reported that “It’s been estimated that a bed at CVH costs as much as $560,000 per year.”
If our ask was for two beds worth of funding for the respite we would start off with 1.2 Million dollars. This figure should be enough to purchase the property, make necessary repairs, and pay a full time staff of three for the first year.
For reference, Afiya House, which is a very successful peer run respite in Northampton, MA was acquired on August 29, 2013, for $183,750. Today the value of the home is estimated at $341,300 according to |
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Based on the research we have done the costs vary from respite to respite. There are differences on the services that are offered, number of staff, full time vs. part time staffing compensation expenses, and whether or not volunteer staff will be incorporated into respite operations. This topic is going to require further conversation, once we come up with an appropriate pay scale we will be better able to estimate costs.
Peer-run Respites: An Effective Crisis Alternative – This is a 64 page slide presentation that is available to view or download as a PDF by clicking the icon below. Some topics of this presentation include: – is a wealth of information that contains a peer respite directory, evaluation guide, and other resources.
There are 2 PDF’s available, the first is the “2018 PEER RESPITE ESSENTIAL FEATURES SURVEY” which collected information on guest stay policies, capacity, activities, and eligibility.
The authors of this handbook are connected to Afiya Peer Respite in Massachusetts, which is frequently used as a frame of reference. This is well written, very detailed and contains over 270 pages of their experiences and insight. To view or download as a PDF by clicking the icon below. Some topics of this presentation include:
Mission of a peer respite | History of peer respite |
Framework of a peer respite | Myths and Misconceptions |
Core design elements | Day-to-day structure |
Who uses a peer respite | First Steps to Peer Respite |
Establishing an advisory board | Independence vs. under an umbrella |
Developing a budget | Sample start-up timeline |
Advocacy and funding | Supervision |
Training | Potential roles |
Hiring considerations | Common problems |
Developing community relationships | Introducing the respite to the neighborhood |
Hospital Diversion Services – A Manual on Assisting in the Development of a Respite/Diversion Service in Your Area – a 2011 Publication from PEOPLe.Inc. To view or download as a PDF by clicking the icon below The manual is a 56 page slide presentation, topics include:
Getting Started
Service Design
Core Values
Financial Support
Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Center of Bartow County
Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Center of Colquitt County
Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Center of Decatur
Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Center of Henry County
Peer Support, Wellness, and Respite Center of White County
All Respites in Georgia share one common site found HERE.
New Hampshire
Conway Peer Support Center – No Webpage Located
New Jersey
Essex County Wellness Respite Services – No Webpage Located – (Facebook Link)
Middlesex County Wellness Respite Services
Passaic County Wellness Respite Services
New York
Dutchess Rose House
Orange/Ulster County Rose House
Putnam County Rose House
Warren Washington Rose House
First 4 Respites in New York share one common site found HERE
The last 2 listings in New York, Eagles Nest Respite House and Refreshing Waters Respite House have broken web links leading to a 404 page not found error.
North Carolina
Retreat @ the Plaza – This respite is extremely new opening in August 2021.
Local News Article
Foundations: A Place for Education & Recovery
Reflections Whole Life Recovery Community
American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation – Evaluation of a Peer-Run Hospital Diversion Program: A Descriptive Study – Published online: 14 Nov 2011 – READ HERE – Impact of a Consumer Hospital Diversion Program on Quality of Life and Recovery: A Comparative Study – Published online: November 2009 – READ HERE
Mad in America – Peer Respite: Why It Should be Everyone’s Concern – Published online: October 19, 2021 – READ HERE
Video Resources
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt