So what is a Crisis Card? Some people living with a mental health challenge may find themselves in a very stressful situation, this can lead to flashbacks, panic attacks or another state that makes communication with others hard or impossible. Ripple has developed this card as a method for a person in crisis to reach out for help. It is roughly the same size as a standard business card and will fit in any wallet. The card will also be laminated to protect it from damage and wear.
Ripple offers the Crisis Card worksheet as one element of the Power of the Peer workshop. This activity is completely optional and you only need to include the information you are comfortable with. The front of the card will contain important information such as your name, the possible emergency and your emergency contact information.

The back of the card will provide information on how to best help you. Depending on your situation we can also include information on what a Good Samaritan should not do. Another option available could be other medical conditions, MRI warnings and list of medication if desired. Each card is completely customized to you and will only contain the information you want.

Please note that Ripple takes the privacy of your medical information very seriously. Digital copies of these cards will be stored on flash drives and secured in our safe. No information will ever be stored on a computer’s hard drive with connections to the internet. The files stored on flash drives will be used in case a card is lost or information needs to be updated. This will allow us to replace cards quickly should the need arise, as with the initial card a replacement will be provided to peers free of charge.
The Crisis Card Program is available to any current resident of Connecticut.
We do not offer this service outside of our state at this time.

Ripple will provide copies of the crisis card worksheet at our Power of the Peer workshops in Connecticut. If you would like a card for yourself or a loved one please download and print the PDF file to the right.