Welcome to RockingRecovery.org,The homepage of Recovery Innovations for Pursuing Peer Leadership and Empowerment, more commonly known by our acronym RIPPLE.
We believe people with lived experience hold the key to improving the effectiveness of the mental health and addiction treatment in Connecticut. For years our peers in recovery have used their voices, insights, and leadership to implement positive change in our states mental health and addiction services system. RIPPLE will work along side of these other individuals and organizations. We will add our voices, ideas, and experience to the ongoing conversation on how to improve services and accessibility to everyone in the recovery community.
RIPPLE has two primary goals: first, to bring service recipients and providers together in a way that centers focus on the voices of our peers in recovery, improves communication, and fosters a true spirit of partnership; second, to provide and promote consumer-crafted education, resources and information in the ever-changing landscape of the Mental Health and Addiction Services System.

The Connecticut Peer Certification Coalition has been created to sustain the conversation outside the conversation. What does that mean exactly? Our states mental health leadership, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services has moved in a new direction with how peer certification will be conducted. This is being done without enough input by our community of peers.
Ripple will be creating a page here on RockingRecovery.org to provide more information on this issue. We have also created a Facebook group, we hope currently certified peers will join. The goal along with sharing information and ideas is to use Facebook’s polling feature to collect data on subjects relating to the proposed changes. We encourage you to join us, use your voice, and share your thoughts.
Nothing about us without us!

For the latest on the new peer certification conversation please visit the FAQ page “Connecticut Peer/Recovery Support Certification Process” presented by the Office of Recovery and Community Affairs.
Please distribute this link to any certified peer supporter in your network, Thank you!