ad·vo·cate – noun – a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
In Connecticut the peer recovery community does not have a shortage of advocates, that being said we will never stop encouraging others to stand and be heard. Every advocate is an asset to our community, we are grateful to all those who continue to fight for needed changes to our system of care and for the rights of the people who rely on those services. Many people involved in advocacy work along side of groups or agencies such as Advocacy Unlimited or Keep the Promise Coalition who help local advocates by keeping them informed on legislative issues and opportunities on how and when to testify.
Writing testimony, letters, and emails is not always easy for everyone but good communication skills are important to making the desired impact regarding the topic for which you are advocating. If you need help with crafting your message the team at Ripple would like to volunteer. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all things that stand out and can sometimes take away from the overall message you are trying to send.

Helping people communicate effectively goes a long way towards their personal empowerment and we all need help from time to time. We are people who understand this, right now Ripple has volunteers within our organization who live with dyslexia and other learning disabilities which makes written communication difficult. This is not an obstacle that should keep anyone from expressing their views and making their voices heard. You may be an individual advocate but in this community you are not alone.
If you would like basic proof reading or feedback on what you have written please feel free to send it to us. We will write you back with any suggested edits. If you would like more information or would like to submit a document for review you can reach us at:
Please include a phone number and a good time to call when contacting us, in some cases being able to talk to a person over the phone will allow the process to move faster. It will also ensure we understand the goal of your message and the desired outcome for the issue you are addressing.

All communications between Recovery Innovations for Pursuing Peer Leadership and Empowerment, Inc. will be kept strictly confidential. We will not forward material to the intended recipient or any other third party. This service is free of charge and subject to availability. During the legislative session please keep in mind that many people may seek to use this service. We may ask that testimony be no more than two pages to get to everyone requesting help, thank you in advance for your understanding.