Ripple’s Peer Portal has been created with the goal of serving our community of peer providers. These are resources we have found to be extremely useful for Peer Recovery Coaches and Recovery Support Specialists. Along with the resource links, we will also provide other information that we hope will help you on your path of peer support. We believe that certified Peer Supporters are one of the keys that will help unlock the full potential of what recovery services can and should be.
Currently the information contained here is geared towards the state of Connecticut, which is the population Ripple serves. We are all in this together! If you have a resource or any suggestions for improving the usefulness of the Peer Portal, please let us know. We want to share as much as we can with as many as we can, your help makes that possible. Thank you for everything you do!

For the latest on the new peer certification conversation please visit the FAQ page “Connecticut Peer/Recovery Support Certification Process” presented by the Office of Recovery and Community Affairs.
Please distribute this link to any certified peer supporter in your network, Thank you!

Training and Certification Information
How do I become a Certified Peer Supporter here in Connecticut? What kinds of trainings are available? How do I get started? The answers to these questions along with links to organizations who offer trainings, classes, and other offerings can be found in this section.
Patient Rights & Laws / State & Federal Level
When offering Peer level support it is not uncommon to find yourself advocating for the people you are working with. This section covers Connecticut state laws that specifically deal with mental health treatment, the Patients Bill of Rights, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and laws pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Our reference section has information on ethical guidelines for Peers on both the state and federal levels. A comprehensive list that covers often abbreviated in the mental health and addiction services system such as credentials, diagnosis, treatments, and therapies. There is also a recovery dictionary that defines things like cultural competence or the distinctions between warmlines and hotlines.
Legislative Information & Advocacy
Every year our states legislature writes new laws, or make changes and updates to existing ones. As a Peer in the community it is important to understand how the legislative process can have an effect on how we live and work. Bills that address mental health, patient rights, involuntary commitment, and budget votes for the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services happen every year. If you choose to come forward as a Peer advocate and testify, whether in favor or against a bill, being prepared is step one.
Personal Improvement & Self Care
Recovery, a word that can mean different things to different people, how ever you define it most people agree that it is hard work. Recovery takes time and will not happen over night, for some being in recovery is something that might last a couple of years, for others it will be a process that stays with them for the rest of their lives. Needless to say self care is important, this section contains self care ideas from peers in our community. Here you will find activities for mind, body, and spirit. Meditations, breathing exercises, healthy cooking, suggested reading, and many more things to help you relax and be your best possible self.
RockingRecovery.org always welcomes feedback and suggestions on ways to improve this website. If you would like to see something added that you believe would benefit the peer community please let us know.