07/13/2019 – A Self-Care Reminder!

At one time or another, I think we have all heard the phrase, slow and steady wins the race. I believe that this is a good mentality for those in recovery from mental illness or addiction. Recovery does not happen all at once; even if that were possible, it would not be a good idea. No one builds a home in a day, and you will never learn everything you need to survive this life in a short amount of time.

Perhaps the reason they are called life lessons is that they sometimes take a lifetime to understand what they are trying to show you. The world around us seems like it never really stops moving and that if you take time for yourself, you might miss something. Everything happens faster and faster, and time can tend to get away from us. It is important to remind ourselves to stop, breath, and remember to practice a little self-care from time to time. After all, what exactly are we rushing for anyways?

When its time for us to leave this Earth no one is going to grant us extra time just because we got a lot of stuff done while we were here. You don’t need to have a plan for every minute of every day, and some days are meant to be wasted, to get nothing done, and to relax. Those days are truly important because those are the days where our mind, body, and soul tend to do their healing. As someone once said, “If you are not taking time for wellness, you are making time for illness.”

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