These are organizations who stand out as voices not only for themselves but for other peers in the community as well. They do their part educating in the public about what it is like living with mental illness and addiction. Most of them also advocate on the political level and testify at various hearings at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.
If you are interested in advocacy or you are passionate about issues that affect our statewide community, write your representatives today. If you can’t meet with our leaders in person, sending a letter or email can be just as powerful. Keep The Promise coalition (KTP) is an advocacy organization located here in Connecticut and frequently offer training’s on how to be an effective legislative advocate. The first step is knowing who your representatives are, click on the Connecticut General Assembly icon to the right to search for your elected representative today.
Advocacy Unlimited Inc: is a peer run non-profit organization based in Connecticut. Over the past 20 years, we have remained innovative as we’ve grown from a small mental health rights initiative into a nationally-recognized non-profit organization that provides education, advocacy and support through non-clinical and holistic engagement.
Location: New Britain, CT

African Caribbean American Parents of Children with Disabilities, Inc. (AFCAMP):
We educate, empower and engage parents and community to improve quality of life for children with special needs and others at risk of education inequity or system involvement.
Location: Hartford, CT

Arc Eastern Connecticut: The cornerstone of The Arc Eastern Connecticut is Advocacy. Since both The Arc NLC and The Arc QV were founded in 1952, the families, participants, employees and leadership of the agencies have been instrumental in improving services and supports for people with IDD.
The Arc Eastern Connecticut: Main Office
Norwich, CT 06360
Cook Hill Road Office
Admin Offices (North Region)
Danielson, CT 06239
Day Services
Danielson, CT 06239
The Arc Emporium & The Arc’s Redemption Center
Woodstock, CT
Employment Transition Center
Groton, CT 06340

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT COALITION OF CONNECTICUT: ADACC is the only organization in the state singularly devoted to educating individuals with disabilities, businesses, and governmental entities about the ADA.
Location: Newington, CT

AUTISM SERVICES RESOURCES CONNECTICUT: For over 20 years, ASRC has held to the ideal that everyone deserves to live their best life possible. This belief guides ASRC’s mission: to provide lifelong access to opportunities for persons on the autism spectrum with the goal of being fully-included and participating members of their communities.
Location: Wallingford, CT

Brain Injury Alliance of Connecticut (BIAC) For more than 35 years BIAC has been Connecticut’s partner in brain injury prevention and recovery. We provide critical resources and support to brain injury survivors, their families and caregivers while educating individuals throughout Connecticut about brain injury awareness and prevention. Call the HelpLine at 800-278-8242
Location: Windsor, CT

Bridge House has served thousands of members since its inception nearly 30 years ago and we continue to provide a critical safe haven for adults in the Greater Bridgeport area and Fairfield County who are struggling with mental illness. Our program focuses on employment, education, and housing, connecting members with the resources they need to achieve their goals.
Location: Bridgeport, CT

The Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness: in partnership with members and communities throughout the state, creates change through leadership, advocacy, and building the capacity of members and the field to respond to environmental challenges. Our collective mission is to prevent and end homelessness in Connecticut.

Connecticut Fair Housing Center, Inc: since 1994, the Connecticut Fair Housing Center has provided free investigative and legal services to residents who believe they have been the victims of housing discrimination. Because housing discrimination disproportionately affects people with low incomes, the Center focuses on the intersection of poverty and housing discrimination.
The Center also conducts statewide education and outreach to ensure that residents understand their fair housing rights. In addition, the Center works with state and local governments, housing professionals, and others to promote compliance with federal and state fair housing laws.
Location: New Haven, Niantic, Stamford, CT

Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center: Offers information and resource materials for parents of children with special educational needs and assistance with advocating for their children’s education, employment, and independent living needs.
Locations: New Haven, Niantic, Stamford, CT

Connecticut State Independent Living Council: SILC coordinates and promotes independent living in Connecticut for people with disabilities. The Council, with consumer and public participation, develops a three-year State Plan for Independent Living which details coordination of state and federal funding for independent living and independent living services, the design of implementation of services, and develops outreach activities to individuals and communities which are unserved or underserved.
Locations: Hartford, Norwich, Stratford, Naugatuck, West Haven, CT

Connecticut Voices for Children: Our goal, to reduce the number of children and youth involved in the juvenile justice system — and improve outcomes for children and youth who are involved — through best practices that keep children and youth in school; keep children, youth, schools, and communities safe; address academic, mental health, and behavioral health needs as early as possible; provide children and youth with developmentally-appropriate services; and reduce recidivism.
Location: Statewide

CT Brain Injury Support Network: The mission of CT Brain Injury Support Network is to promote awareness, education, advocacy and improved health care services for brain injury survivors. We strive to improve the lives of all who are impacted by brain injury through education, support and advocacy.
Location: Columbia, CT

Disability Rights Connecticut, Inc. (“DRCT”), a new independent, nonprofit organization established to be the successor entity to Connecticut’s Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities which was abolished by Connecticut law as of June 30, 2017. We are a statewide organization largely funded by federal entities and authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, Rehabilitation Act and Social Security Act. DRCT opened its doors on July 1, 2017 and is hoping to hear from you!
Location: Hartford, CT

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI): An official website of the United States government. PAIMI is administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS).
Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Disability Rights Connecticut Advisory Council: The PAIMI Council comprises of people with mental illness, their family members and others who have experience advocating for or serving people with mental illness.
Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut: Our mission is to improve the lives of people with Down syndrome, by promoting equity, opportunities, inclusion, and by empowering them and their families in all aspects of life.
Location: New Britain, CT

Friends of Autistic People, Inc. is an organization composed of parents and professionals raises awareness of services and supports needed to improve the lives of children and families impacted by autism. Professionals within the field and other supporters of the cause are welcome to attend. Group also advocates to the general public, private businesses, and government representatives to support autism issues, and presents lectures, workshops, and email alerts to keep parents and professionals informed of what is happening in the autism community.
Location: Greenwich, CT

Independence Unlimited: Envisions a society that, by design and commitment, is barrier free and promotes the rights, value, and dignity of individuals with disabilities as fully participating in self directing their lives. The mission of Independence Unlimited is to assist individuals with disabilities in the Greater Hartford Area to achieve their goals and dreams.
Location: Hartford, CT

Interval House is Connecticut’s largest domestic violence agency. We represent 24 towns and cities and our clients come from each and every one of those towns. Our 20-bed safe house provides services for abused women and children 24-hours-a-day, 365-days a year.
Interval House has both an English and a Spanish-speaking staff. We also have a telephone translation service allowing staff to communicate with callers and clients in many languages.
24 HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 860-527-0550
Location: **confidential**

Join Rise Be: A statewide, peer-run initiative for young people in Connecticut. We share our experiences to influence change at the local, regional, and state levels. We connect with our peers and community partners to reduce discrimination against young people. We cultivate the belief that recovery is possible and we all have the capacity to achieve success.
Location: New Britain, CT
The Statewide Young Adult Warmline is a phone-based peer support line.
7 Days a Week 12noon – 9PM 1-855-6-467-3669

JOURNEY2FREE.com: A Blog about my Journey to Acceptance, Personal Growth, Self-Discovery and Personal Freedom. An account of sexual abuse, living with a chronic illness, betrayal, lessons learned. Hi, My name is Larissa Rhone; I am from the tiny little island in the Caribbean name Jamaica. I am a mother of two and the eldest of six. For years I tried to make sense of the cards dealt in life. I found ways in which to cope.

Keep the Promise Coalition (KTP) is a Connecticut Coalition of advocates (people living with mental illness, family members, mental health professionals and interested community members) dedicated to ensuring that a comprehensive, community mental health system is created and sustained across the lifespan (children, adolescents, emerging adults, adults, older adults and families in Connecticut).
Location: Middletown, CT

Keystone House was founded in 1972 as a non-profit organization providing rehabilitation services for individuals with psychiatric disorders. Keystone started with one home serving 12 clients, growing over the years to presently operating two group home level of care facilities with an additional facility providing long term supports. Our supported apartment program provides residential support for individuals with psychiatric disorders, those dually diagnosed with a co-occurring substance abuse disorder and those homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Location: Norwalk, CT

Laurel House provides mental health resources to people coping with mental illness, and their families, across numerous communities in and around Connecticut. Resources to Recover is a robust array of integrated services and expertise helping people along the path of mental health recovery. Although more than 80% of our program participants are living with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression, research supports that people can and do recover from the worst effects of serious mental illness.
Location: Stamford, CT

My Friend Abby will be inspiring a mental health revolution…one friend at a time…and I do hope you will join me on this exciting journey of hope and wellness. My Friend Abby will be giving grants to young adults who are willing to take action and make a difference in the arena of mental health, mental illness and suicide prevention–and this revolution can’t come soon enough.
Location: Trumbull, CT

NAMI Connecticut: A support and advocacy organization that sponsors local support groups and offers education and information about community services for people with mental illness and their families. There are a total of 24 chapters within the state.
Location: Statewide

PADRES ABRIENDO PUERTAS or Parents Opening Doors INC. (PAP) es la única organización de base comunitaria en el estado de Connecticut exclusivamente dedicado a abrir las puertas de oportunidad para los niños latinos por garantizar el acceso a una educación de calidad y servicios de salud mental. Fomentan los derechos humanos, civiles y educativos y comunidad total inclusión de los niños latinos con discapacidades del desarrollo y problemas de salud mental. La oficina PAP se encuentra en 151 New Park Avenue Suite 115, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Para obtener más información, llame al (860) 365-2411 (voz) o al 711 (TTY).
PADRES ABRIENDO PUERTAS or Parents Opening Doors (PAP) is the only community-based organization in the State of Connecticut solely devoted to opening doors of opportunity to all persons with disabilities by guaranteeing access to quality education, adult services and mental health services in English, Spanish and ASL. Our Mission is, “To empower all individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for their right to create a good life in the Greater Hartford community.”
Location: Hartford, CT

PFLAG Hartford: Through support, education, and advocacy, PFLAG Hartford is helping make our community a healthier, more well-informed, safer, fairer, and happier place for LGBTQ+ people, their families, and their loved ones. Please explore our website, come to a meeting, drop us an email, or give us a call to see what PFLAG Hartford can do for you!
Location: Hartford, CT

Triangle Community Center (TCC) is Fairfield County’s leading provider of programming and resources to nurture growth and connection within the LGBTQ community.
Triangle Community Center serves over 300 individuals who utilize its programs and services on a regular basis as well as over 5000 members of the Fairfield County community who attend a TCC program or event at least once a year. While our primary service area is Fairfield County, we often see people travel from Westchester, New Haven, and Litchfield counties to attend one of the programs we offer. TCC’s key target population is the LGBTQ community in Fairfield County, however, we welcome all who seek our services and have many clients who do not identify as LGBTQ.
Location: Norwalk, CT

True Colors works to create a world where LGBTQ+ youth thrive. Our mission is to ensure LGBTQ+ youth — of all backgrounds — are safe, valued, and able to be their authentic selves. We do this by providing education, advocacy, and support to LGBTQ+ youth, their families, communities, and those who work with them.
Location: Hartford, CT

TurningPointCT.org is an award-winning online resource, created by and for young people in Connecticut to guide their search for mental wellness. This online peer support community includes a discussion forum, personal stories, media room, Q&A guide, resource map & more.
Location: State Wide Access

Western Connecticut Association for Human Rights: WeCAHR is a non-profit advocacy organization serving Danbury and surrounding towns since 1977.
We advocate for the civil and human rights of people with disabilities. Through a close partnership with families, we work to create and promote personal success, independence and community involvement for children and adults with disabilities.
Location: Danbury, CT

Women’s Center: has been a safe haven as the sole provider of services to victims of domestic and sexual violence in the Northern Fairfield and Southern Litchfield County areas.
Our free and confidential services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Center’s key areas of focus include emergency shelter and support services, counseling and advocacy, crisis intervention, and community education, primary prevention and training.
Domestic Violence Hotline: (203) 731-5206
Sexual Assault Hotline: (203) 731-5204
Location: Danbury, CT

The Women and Families Center is committed to promoting equity and improving quality of life through services that foster empowerment and independence. Sexual Assault Crisis Services(SACS) Sexual Assault is NEVER the victim’s fault, NO MATTER what the circumstances. We offer support services to victims of sexual violence and their loved ones. Do not feel that you are alone and know your rights.

The WFC Sexual Assault Crisis Services (SACS) Program offers support to those who have recently experienced a sexual assault or have been trying to cope with a past sexual assault. The program consists of free and confidential services. We provide counseling and advocacy through medical, police, and legal systems where we will be there with the victim as we work through the process together.