Veterans often experience things while serving that anyone outside of the armed forces community could never imagine. Veteran-specific supporters are familiar with military culture, language, and traditions. They also have government resources available through the Veterans Administration. Like the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the VA also has some difficulty when it comes to navigating its resources. We hope you find these links useful and informative. Thank you for your service and the sacrifices you made for our country.
The Connecticut Military Support Program (MSP): In March 2009, the MSP Embedded Clinician Program was established in partnership with Connecticut’s Adjutant General, Major General Thaddeus Martin. Today, twenty-nine MSP clinicians serve as Behavioral Health Advocates within Guard Units affected by deployment(s) in Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. These embedded clinicians provide deployment health education to service members and their families and serve as key points of contact for behavioral health services.

Connecticut is unique in that no other state in the country has established a program that embeds civilian clinicians within National Guard Unit’s at the Company level. Call 1-866-251-2913 for more information.
The DMHAS Veterans Recovery Center (VRC) is co-located with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Rocky Hill, CT and offers individualized outpatient recovery services. This program is available to veterans with substance use disorders that reside at the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Rocky Hill Campus Residential Services division and to Veterans residing in their own residences off campus. Admissions are voluntary. National Guard and Reserve members also welcome. Call 860-616-3832 for more information.
Veterans Crisis Line: If you are a Service member or Veteran in crisis or you’re concerned about one, there are specially trained responders ready to help you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The Veterans Crisis Line connects Service members and Veterans in crisis, as well as their family members and friends, with qualified, caring VA responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text-messaging service.
Text with a Veterans Crisis Line responder – Send a text message to 838255
Online chat with a Veterans Crisis Line responder: https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help-now/chat/
Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Information
Camp Lejeune is a U.S. Marine Corps Base in Jacksonville, North Carolina that had two contaminated water supply systems from 1953 to 1987. During that time, nearly 1 million people were exposed to toxic chemicals that can cause cancer, congenital disabilities (known as birth defects), and other serious health conditions.

We exist to help military veterans harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to get the financial benefits they deserve. We’re ready to help you — at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.
For more information please visit: CampLejeuneClaimsCenter.com
Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began in 2003 as a small, grassroots effort providing simple care and comfort items to the hospital bedsides of the first wounded service members returning home from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As their post-service needs evolved, so have our programs and services. Today, through our direct programs in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care, along with our advocacy efforts, we improve the lives of millions of warriors and their families.

The American Legion of Connecticut: Free advocacy and representation for veterans filing or appealing claims for veterans benefits offered by local, state and federal veterans benefit agencies.
Location: Rocky Hill, CT

American Red Cross: services for veterans date back to World War I and remains consistent with the spirit of our congressional charter. Today, the Red Cross is proud to maintain our commitment to the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.

The Bridgeport Veterans Affairs office offers rides to the VA Hospital in West Haven. The free transportation program is open to Bridgeport veterans and their spouses. The shuttle runs Monday through Friday and makes two round-trips each day leaving the Veteran’s Affairs Office (752 East Main Street) at 9:45 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. For more information please call (203) 336-2570.
Location: Bridgeport, CT

Columbus House’s mission is to serve people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing shelter and housing and by fostering their personal growth and independence.
Location: New Haven, CT

Combat Craig: If you don’t know me already, my name is Combat Craig and I’m a Desert Storm Combat Veteran with a 100% P&T disability rating. No BS, I tell it like it is. Whether it’s on my YouTube channel with 750+ videos, 180,000+ subscribers, and 1 million+

monthly views, or right here on my CombatCraig.com website. In my BOOT CAMP I’m dedicated to you having the information necessary to get the SUPERCHARGED INCREASES you deserve for your VA Claim disability rating. And likewise in my BDD Pre-Discharge Workshop and other focused Membership Workshops Coming Online Soon. I’m passionate about you obtaining the 100% Rating and paycheck you EARNED by your service in the US Military. Regardless of where you’re at in the VA Claims process, myself and my Membership Support Team are here for you!
Connecticut Department of Labor, Veterans Services: Veterans may receive reemployment services from trained staff at American Job Centers (AJCs) throughout the state, which include five comprehensive centers and several smaller, affiliate locations. Among the staff are representatives funded by the Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) program. The Department is committed to protecting and promoting the interests of Connecticut workers. In order to accomplish this in an ever-changing environment, we assist workers and employers to become competitive in the global economy. We take a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of workers and employers, and the other agencies that serve them. We ensure the supply of high-quality integrated services that serve the needs of our customers.
Location: Wethersfield, CT

Connecticut Military Relief Fund: The Military Relief Fund provides monetary grants to service members and their families that are experiencing a financial hardship as a result of military service to qualify you must be a currently serving member of any branch or component of the Armed Forces of the United States or an immediate family member of such service member.
Location: State Wide Access

Connecticut Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Fund: is a state agency which assists wartime veterans and their families and may be able to offer fuel assistance. Programs are administered by the American Legion. For more information, you can call, Toll Free: 1-800-491-4941, (within the state of Connecticut).
Location: State Wide Access

Connecticut VA Healthcare System: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Veteran Care The Department of Veterans Affairs (VHA) is committed to providing quality care to all Veterans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Veterans. Excellent care has no boundaries.
Location: Please visit your local VA for more information.

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center: The mission of Connecticut Veterans Legal Center is to help veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness overcome legal barriers to housing, healthcare and income. Connecticut Veterans Legal Center provides FREE representation to veterans recovering from homelessness and mental illness to help stabilize their lives.
Location: West Haven, CT

Danbury Vet Center: We offer confidential help for Veterans, service members, and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting. Our services include counseling for needs such as depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the psychological effects of military sexual trauma (MST). We can also connect you with more support in VA and your community.
Direct Line 203-790-4000
Location: Danbury, CT

Focus On Veterans, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing FREE medical transportation for Veterans in Eastern Connecticut to VA hospitals and Clinics in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts. Where qualified, we will provide transportation to local private healthcare facilities.
Location: Eastern Connecticut

Hartford Veteran Center Readjustment counseling for veterans who served in combat zones or experienced military sexual trauma.
M: 8am-7:30pm; T: 7:30am-7:30pm; W: 8am-6:30pm; Th: 7:30am-7:30pm; F: 7:30am-6:30pm; Sat: 8:30am-5pm
1-877-WAR-VETS (1-877-927-8387)
Location: Rocky Hill, CT

Mercy Housing and Shelter Corporation provides housing assistance and supportive services to persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Offering services such as veterans case management and housing, a community respite program, and a short-term, 90-day housing and supportive services program for women in recovery.
Location: Hartford, CT

Military OneSource: MilTax from Military OneSource and the Department of Defense. MilTax free tax services include tax prep and e-filing software and personalized support that address the realities of military life – deployments, combat and training pay, housing and rentals, multistate filings, living OCONUS and more.

MilTax consultants are specially trained to help with unique tax situations specific to service members and their families. Reach out 24/7 to schedule a consultation. You can also get in-person support at a Volunteer Income Tax Support Assistance, VITA, office location.
Location: Online Resource
Montville American Job Center: Providing job search assistance, resume help, mock interviews, and career related assessment tools including Career Interest Inventory.
Workshops include:
· Fundamentals of Résumé Writing
· Interviewing Strategies and Techniques
· Successful Job Search Strategies
· Do What You Are
· Career Development & Exploration
The Montville American Job Center also has several services for Veterans.
Location: Uncasville, CT

Mutts Mending Mankind: This program was founded by the proud daughter of a Vietnam Veteran who learned that on average we lose 22 veterans a day to suicide.

She created Mutts Mending Mankind and combined her knowledge of rehabilitating and training rescue dogs, with her desire to help our nations heroes. While the program started out initially for just Veteran’s, it has grown in numbers now including first responders, and civilians. We have also branched out and train service dogs for seizure detection, mobility assist, depression and anxiety alert.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Deaf or Hard of Hearing): Our network of crisis centers offers many services for people who are deaf and hard of hearing, including veterans. If you are hard of hearing, you can chat with a Lifeline counselor 24/7 by:
Video relay Service – Dial 800-273-8255
TTY – Dial 800-799-4889
Voice/Caption Phone – Dial 800-273-8255
For Veterans:
Text with a Veterans Crisis Line responder – Send a text message to 838255
There are also chat services online through their website, Click the link above to access these services.

New Haven Veteran Center: Offers individual, group and family counseling and referrals to veterans and their families. M-F: 8am-5:30pm; Sat: By appointment
Location: Orange, CT

Norwich Veteran Center, Readjustment counseling for veterans who served in combat zones or experienced military sexual trauma.
M-Th: 8am-8pm; F: 8am-5pm
Location: Norwich, CT

The Patriots’ Landing: Single family three (3) bedroom homes that can accommodate Veterans, their spouses and children. All houses are completely furnished. Housing will be provided on a month to month basis, not to exceed twelve (12) months. Unless extended by the DVA for not more than two six month periods based on specified extenuating circumstances.
Location: Rocky Hill, CT

Pets for Vets – This shelter chapter operates out of the Ridgefield Operation for Animal Rescue (ROAR) and serves Veterans in the following communities: Danbury, Newtown and Ridgefield in Connecticut and Armonk, Brewster and Mt. Kisco in New York. The ROAR shelter is thrilled and honored to work in conjunction with Pets for Vets as a shelter chapter. Together, we will be able to not only rescue many loveable dogs and cats but also match them with Veterans who will benefit immensely from their companionship.
Location: Ridgefield, CT

Smokefree.gov – SmokefreeVet: A mobile text messaging service for veterans getting health care through the VA. SmokefreeVET’s mission is to help veterans who get their health care through VA become tobacco-free—whether they smoke cigarettes, chew or dip tobacco, or use any other tobacco products.
Location: Statewide Access

South Park Inn’s mission is to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness to improve their life situations by providing temporary and long-term housing, and supportive services. In addition, we advocate for solutions to homelessness.
Location: Hartford, CT

Veterans Crossing is a 12-room handicapped accessible, transitional rooming house for homeless male veterans. Veterans may stay for up to one year. We help residents look for work, save for an apartment and connect with support services. Vets are linked with all VA services (medical, mental health and substance abuse). Help with money management, life skills, counseling, and referrals are available. English and Spanish speakers welcome.
Location: East Hartford, CT

VETERANS FOR VETERANS CT: Support group for veterans from all different wars meets on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Group will discuss the special challenges that veterans face. While the group meets at the church, it is not religious based.
Location: North Haven, CT

Veteran’s Peer Support for PTSD – Facebook Group: We are a Support Group for All Veterans who deal with PTS/PTSD on a daily basis. We also offer help to the Families of Veterans and their Caregivers. Presently we have over 1300 Members with over 75% of them Active Members. We offer a way to share Our experiences, what is going on in Our lives and what is working to get Us through the day.
Location: Online

Veterans Support Foundation offers a transitional living program for formerly homeless veterans who are enrolled in the Connecticut Veterans Administration Healthcare System. VSF provides them with shelter, transportation and support in achieving their health, educational, vocational and independent living goals.
Locations: West Haven – Manchester