To save time we are narrowing the search for you. Services such as shelters, sober living homes, and support groups are, in many cases, gender-specific. For this reason, we have created separate pages, one for men, and one for women. There is also a page just for members of the LGBTQ+ community to search for services.
Causeway Collaborative: we are deeply committed to helping young men who are struggling and stuck. Our pragmatic, multi-disciplinary approach, built on a foundation of care, trust, and mutual respect, re-engages young men in their lives, and empowers each young man we work with to chart his own course for his future.
Location: Westport, CT

Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project provides crisis intervention, support and resources for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. One in four gay men experience domestic violence, if you need immediate help please call:
24-Hour Emergency Hotline: 1-800-832-1901 or email is at: cs@gmdvp.org

Hartford Men’s Shelter: Our 78-bed shelter offers overnight beds, dinner, breakfast, and showers. Preference may be given to Hartford residents. A single stay can last up to 90 days with the possibility of an extension. Medical screening and immunization provided. Case managers assist with employment and housing, and make referrals to other services.
Location: Hartford, CT

MCCA, Midwestern Connecticut Council of Alcoholism, Inc. Trinity Glen Men’s Program in Sharon: Trinity Glen is targeted to chronically addicted men who have been unable to maintain sobriety despite multiple treatments including intensive programs, halfway houses, detoxification, and shelters. This program is aimed at enhancing the individual’s sense of responsibility to himself and stresses the importance of their role in the community. Trinity Glen provides a therapeutic, structured, sober community living experience geared toward providing the necessary tools for re-entry into society.
Location: Sharon, CT

Men’s Group (Toivo) is a safe space to open up, set goals, hold accountability, and work together as men. This is an opportunity to change the story men have heard—that it is weak to feel—to a new story where there is strength in vulnerability.

It’s time to come together, grow, form bonds, and redefine our belief structures about what it means to be a man. Through mind-body practices, active listening, sharing, team-building exercises, as well as some fun and meditation, we will co-create a space to connect on a deeper level.
Toivo is a peer-run, non-profit initiative through Advocacy Unlimited, Inc. that includes statewide classes, workshops and a center for holistic healing and stress management. Donation-based offerings include yoga, meditation, qigong, sound healing, laughter yoga, drumming, creative expression, healing arts, support groups and more. Most importantly, Toivo is a community, a safe space to find support and understanding. We believe human connection is essential to healing and is at the heart of everything we do.
Location: Hartford, CT
New Life II: Christ Based Recovery Housing For Men. Our Mission: To provide a home-like residence with independent living. We offer individual and group sessions; in addition to a safe, drug-free environment where they can learn skills needed to restore a balance in the home. These skills will help them to overcome the life-changing challenges that has been causing them to struggle.
Location: New Britain, CT

Pivot Ministries is a residential treatment program located in Bridgeport and Norwalk, CT. The Pivot process is faith-based. We are a nonprofit agency with four decades of successful experience assisting men challenged by alcohol and substance abuse. Pivot’s mission is to treat drug and alcohol addiction as a spiritual problem and return the men to their families usefully whole.
Location: Norwalk & Bridgeport, CT

Rushford at Stonegate: When your teenage son is struggling with addiction, it can be hard to tell where to turn. Rushford at Stonegate, in Durham, Connecticut, offers residential treatment for boys ages 13 to 18. The program engages even the most resistant teens and helps them focus on their individual strengths and make meaningful life changes.
Location: Durham, CT

Shoreline Recovery – Men’s Sober Housing: Our mission is to provide a safe family style living environment for those who are recovering from alcohol and drug addiction and to encourage those who want to change and improve the quality of their lives. Sober Living for Men on the CT Shoreline
is a spacious home located within walking distance to the beach. On the bus line and only 1.5 miles to 12-Step meetings, Hagaman Memorial Library, restaurants and shopping. Off street parking is available and residents are permitted to have cars.
Location: East Haven, CT

Veterans Crossing is a 12-room handicapped accessible, transitional rooming house for homeless male veterans. Veterans may stay for up to one year. We help residents look for work, save for an apartment and connect with support services. Vets are linked with all VA services (medical, mental health and substance abuse). Help with money management, life skills, counseling, and referrals are available. English and Spanish speakers welcome.
Location: East Hartford, CT