When all seems lost or hard times are on the horizon, it is a person’s faith that can see them through the wilderness. While it is true, not everyone believes in a higher power for those who do their faith can become a lifeline for them and their families. No matter what religious or spiritual tradition you follow, your faith in something larger than yourself can a powerful foundation on which to rebuild.
Note: Many faith-based organizations assist the local communities with food pantry options; not all of them are reflected here. If along with support recovery services, a church or organization offers a pantry, it will be noted. We will not list them on this page for food assistance only; this is due to many pops up pantry locations that would add over 200 more entries to this page. If you are looking for help feeding your family, please visit our pantry page here. Thank you!
Faith-based organizations also provide for material needs such as clothing and household goods, again not all of them are reflected here. If along with support recovery services, a church or organization offers other services it will be noted. This is also to prevent the faith services page from becoming cluttered and inefficient. For any material needs you may have please visit that resource page here. Thank you!
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – is a worldwide fellowship of men and women who help each other to stay sober. They offer the same help to anyone who has a drinking problem and wants to do something about it. Since they are all alcoholics themselves, they have a special understanding of each other. They know what the illness feels like – and they have learned how to recover from it in AA.
Locations: Statewide Access

AL-ANON is a worldwide organization that offers a program of help and mutual support for families and friends of someone with a drinking problem whether or not the person with a drinking problem seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. Participants in AL-ANON give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experience, strength and hope, and learn how the principles of the AL-ANON program can be applied to their own lives.
Locations: Statewide Access

ALATEEN (AL-ANON for younger members) is a worldwide organization that offers a program of help and mutual support for families and friends of someone with a drinking problem whether or not the person with a drinking problem seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. Participants in ALATEEN give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experience, strength and hope, and learn how the principles of the AL-ANON program can be applied to their own lives.
Alateen must have consent form and notarized medical form filled out by parent/guardian and presented at the Alateen registration desk.
Alateen Form Required for Convention Attendance.
Locations: Statewide Access

Christian Community Action – A faith-based not-for-profit ecumenical social services agency in New Haven, Connecticut. Our mission is to provide emergency shelter and transitional housing, food, advocacy and leadership education and training and other support to those who are poor, in particular families that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Location: New Haven, CT

Community of Hope’s mission is to help women affected by abuse, addiction and homelessness, re-establish life through building a relationship with God, while in a safe and healthy living environment that reflects the love of a family.
Location: Groton, CT

Celebrate Recovery is a life recovery program that offers a supportive group environment where hope and acceptance join with God’s desire to heal us of our greatest wounds in life. We believe all are in recovery, recovery from sin. Simply put, a hurt, habit or hang up is anything that hinders your relationship with God and others.
Location: Groton, CT

Faithful Counseling: is designed as a solution for people seeking traditional mental health counseling who would prefer hearing from the perspective of a Christian. If you are seeking a mental health professional who is a practicing Christian, Faithful Counseling may be a great option for you. Connect with a fellow believer online within our network of licensed, professional therapists.

Grace Place opened its doors in 2009 and we have been committed to serving our community since that time. Grace Place partners with several local churches to continue offering free and confidential services for families and babies up to 2 years of age.

Grace Place is committed to coming alongside men and women in their time of need, to help them choose life, both spiritually and physically, according to the gospel of grace and the loving help of God’s people. We offer the following:
Crisis Pregnancy Support – Referrals – Pregnancy Tests/Parenting Classes – Material Resources – Counseling Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies – Post-Abortion Counseling
Location: Torrington, CT
Malta House, Inc. RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM: We promote the dignity of God-given life by providing a nurturing home environment, support services and independent living skills to pregnant and parenting mothers of all faiths and their children.
Location: Norwalk, CT

New Life II: Christ Based Recovery Housing For Men. Our Mission: To provide a home-like residence with independent living. We offer individual and group sessions; in addition to a safe, drug-free environment where they can learn skills needed to restore a balance in the home. These skills will help them to overcome the life-changing challenges that has been causing them to struggle.
Location: New Britain, CT

Pivot Ministries is a residential treatment program located in Bridgeport and Norwalk, CT. The Pivot process is faith-based. We are a nonprofit agency with four decades of successful experience assisting men challenged by alcohol and substance abuse. Pivot’s mission is to treat drug and alcohol addiction as a spiritual problem and return the men to their families usefully whole.
Location: Norwalk & Bridgeport, CT

The Bridge – Clothing Bank / Food Pantry: Church offers gently used clothing for children, men and women in need. Referrals from a church, social workers or school staff member is needed. Referral forms can be found on the website. Please call 860-372-4141 to make an appointment.
Location: South Windsor, CT

The Cornerstone Foundation – A faith ministry with a mission to keep all people safe, fed, housed and clothed. We provide help to the community with a soup kitchen, two shelters, a food cupboard, clothing bank, and youth/outreach center. Cornerstone has provided food, clothing and shelter to the needy for over 35 years with the help of mostly all volunteers. We have grown from a Soup Kitchen in one building to five ministries in four buildings on Prospect Street and School Street in Rockville, Connecticut.
Location: Rockville, CT

The Crisis Pregnancy Center: is a Christian Prolife Center that assists women to make life-affirming decisions by helping them to make plans to keep and parent their babies, or to make an adoption plan by providing them with compassionate and loving emotional, physical and spiritual support.
Location: Unionville, CT

Services we offer:
24 Hour Hot-Line 800-395-Help (800-395-4357) – Free Pregnancy Tests – Counseling and Support – Prenatal Guidance – Information on Community Resources and Government Assistance – Maternity Clothes – Medical Care – Ongoing Personal Counseling – Referral for Adoption – Baby Furnishing & Clothes – Postnatal Guidance – Support Groups – Planning Mother and Baby’s Future – Help for the Woman Who Has Had an Abortion
The Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut: Disaster Response – Parishes have resources they can make available in the wake of a disaster, and many do, offering use of kitchens, generators, large parking lots, and more. During the emergency plan development process we can help you determine what resources you have, how to make them available, and what training or certifications you may need to obtain.
Locations: Statewide