Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances ever taken into the human body, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have tried to kick the habit. Smoking and now the popular alternative, vaping have become a leading health risk among young adults in our country. Below are some resources, programs, and services that are specifically tailored to battle nicotine addiction.
COMMITtoQUIT.com: Commit to Quit is funded by The Tobacco and Health Trust Fund through the CT Department of Public Health. Our goal is to help people quit to avoid the costly health consequences of using tobacco including e-cigarettes. Free Resources include:

- 1-on-1 assistance from a quit coach when you need it.
- Access to a private online community with others trying to quit.
- A quit guide workbook.
- Two weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products at no cost.
Location: State Wide / Online Resource
Connecticut hospitals offering smoking cessation programs, call for more information.
BRISTOL HOSPITAL: 860-583-5858
DANBURY HOSPITAL: 203-739-8328
American Cancer Society, Inc. – How to Quit Smoking or Smokeless Tobacco: At the American Cancer Society, we’re on a mission to free the world from cancer. Until we do, we’ll be funding and conducting research, sharing expert information, supporting patients, and spreading the word about prevention. All so you can live longer — and better.
Location: Online Resource

American Lung Association in Connecticut: Ready to quit smoking? Join our Freedom From Smoking® (FFS) group clinics to help you quit for good. FFS Clinics will help you learn how to overcome your tobacco addiction so you can enjoy better health. A Freedom From Smoking® Group Clinic will give you the knowledge and tools to overcome your tobacco addiction and quit smoking for good so you can enjoy better health, extra money in your pocket and many other rewards. Held in small groups of no more than 16 people at locations throughout the United States.
Locations: Various / Check site for updates

Smokefree.gov: On this site you’ll find support, tips, tools, and expert advice to help you or someone you love quit smoking. Learn what your body is going through as you quit smoking and get tips to deal.
Location: Statewide Access

Smokefree.gov en Español: Un sitio web en español dedicado a ayudarlo a dejar de fumar. Smokefree Español le ayuda a usted o a alguien allegado a usted a dejar de fumar. Este sitio en la red ofrece enfoques recomendados sobre cómo dejar de fumar, información sobre un amplio rango de temas relacionados con el fumar y dejar de fumar, y una fuente de recursos gratuitos en español. La información disponible en este sitio en la red puede darle apoyo con sus necesidades inmediatas y a largo plazo a medida que deja de fumar.
Ubicación: Acceso a todo el estado

Smokefree.gov – SmokefreeTeen: A Web site that helps teens quit smoking. Smokefree Teen is part of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI). The goal of Smokefree Teen is to reduce the number of youth who use tobacco.
Location: Statewide Access

Smokefree.gov – SmokefreeVet: A mobile text messaging service for veterans getting health care through the VA. SmokefreeVET’s mission is to help veterans who get their health care through VA become tobacco-free—whether they smoke cigarettes, chew or dip tobacco, or use any other tobacco products.
Location: Statewide Access

Smokefree.gov – SmokefreeWomen: A Web site that helps women quit smoking. Women face unique challenges when quitting smoking. This site addresses these challenges by providing information and tools that specifically address women’s experiences as they become smokefree.
Location: Statewide Access

The CT Quitline is a telephone help line offered free of charge that provides cessation counseling, quitting information, answers to your questions, and support you need while quitting. When you call, your call will be answered by one of our Quit Coaches who are professionally trained to help you quit tobacco. This line is open 7 days a week 24 hours a day. English, Spanish, and other language speaking coaches are available.
1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669)
1-855-DÉJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569) (en Español)
For the hearing impaired – TTY number is 1-877-777-6534

Quit Smoking: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP): free with mobile app, texting program, or a quitline. Learn about quit smoking medications and ways to manage cravings.
Location: Statewide Access

Quit smoking support Group – Facebook Group: his group was created to share positive support to people quitting or trying to quit smoking/vaping/dipping or any nicotine habit.
Location: Online