RockingRecovery.org and Recovery Innovations for Pursuing Peer Leadership and Empowerment (Ripple) have been created entirely by people who have lived experience with mental illness. We are extremely fortunate to have an amazing network of peers in the state of Connecticut. We believe that when we all work together that there is nothing we can’t achieve. Peers in recovery are some of the hardest working people in the mental health and addiction services system. These organizations are living proof of just how effective we are in supporting one another.
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) – is a worldwide fellowship of men and women who help each other to stay sober. They offer the same help to anyone who has a drinking problem and wants to do something about it. Since they are all alcoholics themselves, they have a special understanding of each other. They know what the illness feels like – and they have learned how to recover from it in AA.
Locations: Statewide Access

AL-ANON is a worldwide organization that offers a program of help and mutual support for families and friends of someone with a drinking problem whether or not the person with a drinking problem seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. Participants in AL-ANON give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experience, strength and hope, and learn how the principles of the AL-ANON program can be applied to their own lives.
Locations: Statewide Access

ALATEEN (AL-ANON for younger members) is a worldwide organization that offers a program of help and mutual support for families and friends of someone with a drinking problem whether or not the person with a drinking problem seeks help or even recognizes the existence of a drinking problem. Participants in ALATEEN give and receive comfort and understanding through a mutual exchange of experience, strength and hope, and learn how the principles of the AL-ANON program can be applied to their own lives.
Alateen must have consent form and notarized medical form filled out by parent/guardian and presented at the Alateen registration desk.
Alateen Form Required for Convention Attendance.
Locations: Statewide Access

Advocacy Unlimited Inc: is a peer run non-profit organization based in Connecticut. Over the past 20 years, we have remained innovative as we’ve grown from a small mental health rights initiative into a nationally-recognized non-profit organization that provides education, advocacy and support through non-clinical and holistic engagement.
Location: New Britain, CT

Hearing Voices Network (CT-HVN) approach offers a non-pathologizing, open way of understanding and supporting people through the experience of hearing voices. It assumes that hearing voices (as well as seeing visions and other sensory experiences) can be a normal part of human experience with a variety of meanings for people. Hearing Voices support groups are widely available throughout the United Kingdom and many other countries and are just taking hold in the United States.
Locations: Deep River – Hartford – Manchester – Middletown – New Haven – Waterbury – New Britain – Norwalk – Torrington

Independence Unlimited: Envisions a society that, by design and commitment, is barrier free and promotes the rights, value, and dignity of individuals with disabilities as fully participating in self directing their lives. The mission of Independence Unlimited is to assist individuals with disabilities in the Greater Hartford Area to achieve their goals and dreams.
Location: Hartford, CT

Join Rise Be: A statewide, peer-run initiative for young people in Connecticut. We share our experiences to influence change at the local, regional, and state levels. We connect with our peers and community partners to reduce discrimination against young people. We cultivate the belief that recovery is possible and we all have the capacity to achieve success.
Location: New Britain, CT
The Statewide Young Adult Warmline is a phone-based peer support line.
7 Days a Week 12noon – 9PM 1-855-6-467-3669

Keep the Promise Coalition (KTP) is a Connecticut Coalition of advocates (people living with mental illness, family members, mental health professionals and interested community members) dedicated to ensuring that a comprehensive, community mental health system is created and sustained across the lifespan (children, adolescents, emerging adults, adults, older adults and families in Connecticut).
Location: Middletown, CT

Narcotics Anonymous – Connectucit Region: N.A. is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.
Location: Statewide – Search for a local meeting HERE

New Life II: Christ Based Recovery Housing For Men. Our Mission: To provide a home-like residence with independent living. We offer individual and group sessions; in addition to a safe, drug-free environment where they can learn skills needed to restore a balance in the home. These skills will help them to overcome the life-changing challenges that has been causing them to struggle.
Location: New Britain, CT

Rainbow Alliance (Toivo) is a peer-led support group for LGBTQ+ adults or allies seeking a safe and reliable network of individuals who together can create and use tools to help navigate the everyday experiences of the community.

Toivo by Advocacy Unlimited is an initiative that includes statewide classes, workshops and a mind/body focused wellness center where people can engage in expert facilitated yoga, meditation, fitness and strength training, creative writing, expressive art, walk/run groups, nutrition workshops, drum circles and much more!
Location: Hartford, CT

Trans Lifeline is a national trans-led 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the quality of trans lives by responding to the critical needs of our community with direct service, material support, advocacy, and education. Our vision is to fight the epidemic of trans suicide and improve overall life-outcomes of trans people by facilitating justice-oriented, collective community aid.
The Hotline: 877-565-8860
Listed hours: 10am to 4am with off hour availability based on volunteer staffing

TurningPointCT.org is an award-winning online resource, created by and for young people in Connecticut to guide their search for mental wellness. This online peer support community includes a discussion forum, personal stories, media room, Q&A guide, resource map & more.
Location: State Wide Access