A minority by definition is a group of people who are underrepresented among the population. These groups often face unique obstacles and struggles when seeking treatment for mental illnesses in the United States, even in modern times. The LGBTQ+ community can also be considered a minority population, we have created a page that showcases services specifically with them in mind. (Link LGBTQ+ Page)
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):
- Over 70% of Black/African American adolescents with a major depressive episode did not receive treatment for their condition.
- Almost 25% of adolescents with a major depressive episode in the last year were Hispanic/Latino.
- Asian American adults were less likely to use mental health services than any other racial/ethnic groups.
- In the past year, nearly 1 in 10 American Indian or Alaska Native young adults had serious thoughts of suicide
- In the past year, 1 in 7 Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander adults had a diagnosable mental illness.
DMHAS Program – Hispanic Clinic & CT Latino Behavioral Health System: The Hispanic Clinic provides culturally appropriate and recovery oriented mental health and addiction services to the Latino/a community. We are committed to fostering an environment of wellness, empowerment, professionalism and collaboration.

African Caribbean American Parents of Children with Disabilities, Inc. (AFCAMP):
We educate, empower and engage parents and community to improve quality of life for children with special needs and others at risk of education inequity or system involvement.
Location: Hartford, CT

CommuniCare: Latino Behavioral Health System particitant: The CT LBHS represents a regional collaborative of thirteen behavioral health organizations with a shared mission to expand and enhance the existing network of recovery-oriented and community-based services, and to ensure that behavioral healthcare is both accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate, for Latinos throughout south central Connecticut.
Sarah Finke, Latino Coordinator
phone: 203-483-2630 x1236
Location: New Haven, CT

Community Renewal Team – Asian Family Services: offers counseling and support services to individuals and families from many cultures. We can help clients deal with issues such as unhealthy relationships, poor anger management, compulsive gambling and substance abuse.

- Individual and family therapy
- Medication management
- Court-mandated services including mental health and substance abuse evaluation
Hartford HealthCare – ‘Our Families’: New Mental Health Support Group for African Americans: Depression is a very individual experience, influenced by everything from body chemistry, living situation, education level and even race.
Location: Hartford, CT

Interval House is Connecticut’s largest domestic violence agency. We represent 24 towns and cities and our clients come from each and every one of those towns. Our 20-bed safe house provides services for abused women and children 24-hours-a-day, 365-days a year.
Interval House has both an English and a Spanish-speaking staff. We also have a telephone translation service allowing staff to communicate with callers and clients in many languages.
24 HOUR CRISIS HOTLINE: 860-527-0550
Location: **confidential**
Latino Behavioral Health System (LBHS): The overarching goal of the CT LBHS is improved behavioral health care through the permanent expansion and enhancement of culturally relevant treatment alternatives for the Latino population of Connecticut. The CT LBHS is made possible through partial funding from the State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Location: New Haven, CT

Latino Community Services: is Greater Hartford’s leading provider of HIV/AIDS programs. Programs are community-based and culturally competent. They adhere to the highest standards of evidenced-based practice while also recognizing the importance of a holistic approach to physical and emotional well-being.
Location: New Haven, CT

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (SPANISH) Lifeline de prevención de suicidio: Lifeline ofrece 24/7, gratuito servicios en español, no es necesario hablar ingles si usted necesita ayuda.
Cuando usted llama al número 1-888-628-9454, su llamada se dirige al centro de ayuda de nuestra red disponible más cercano. Tenemos actualmente 150 centros en la red y usted hablará probablemente con uno situado en su zona. Cada centro funciona en forma independiente y tiene su propio personal calificado.
Cuando el centro contesta su llamada, usted estará hablando con una persona que le escuchará, le hará preguntas y hará todo lo que esté a su alcance para ayudarle.
Ubicación: Acceso a todo el estado

PADRES ABRIENDO PUERTAS or Parents Opening Doors INC. (PAP) es la única organización de base comunitaria en el estado de Connecticut exclusivamente dedicado a abrir las puertas de oportunidad para los niños latinos por garantizar el acceso a una educación de calidad y servicios de salud mental. Fomentan los derechos humanos, civiles y educativos y comunidad total inclusión de los niños latinos con discapacidades del desarrollo y problemas de salud mental. La oficina PAP se encuentra en 151 New Park Avenue Suite 115, Hartford, Connecticut 06106. Para obtener más información, llame al (860) 365-2411 (voz) o al 711 (TTY).
PADRES ABRIENDO PUERTAS or Parents Opening Doors (PAP) is the only community-based organization in the State of Connecticut solely devoted to opening doors of opportunity to all persons with disabilities by guaranteeing access to quality education, adult services and mental health services in English, Spanish and ASL. Our Mission is, “To empower all individuals with disabilities and their families to advocate for their right to create a good life in the Greater Hartford community.”
Location: Hartford, CT

Smokefree.gov en Español: Un sitio web en español dedicado a ayudarlo a dejar de fumar. Smokefree Español le ayuda a usted o a alguien allegado a usted a dejar de fumar. Este sitio en la red ofrece enfoques recomendados sobre cómo dejar de fumar, información sobre un amplio rango de temas relacionados con el fumar y dejar de fumar, y una fuente de recursos gratuitos en español. La información disponible en este sitio en la red puede darle apoyo con sus necesidades inmediatas y a largo plazo a medida que deja de fumar.
Ubicación: Acceso a todo el estado

U.S. Depertment of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health: The Office of Minority Health is dedicated to improving the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will help eliminate health disparities.
- The Office of Minority Health Resource Center (OMHRC) is a source for minority health literature, research, and referrals for consumers, community organizations and health professionals. OMHRC also offers capacity building and technical assistance services designed to increase the strength and competence of health care agencies and programs.
- The Center for Linguistic and Cultural Competency in Health Care (CLCCHC) and National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (The National CLAS Standards) help organizations provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to better serve our nation’s increasingly diverse communities.
- The National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities (NPA) mobilizes a nationwide, comprehensive, community-driven and sustained approach to combating health disparities.
Location: National Internet Based Resource