It’s no secret that more and more households are losing ground when it comes to saving money. Many families in Connecticut are finding themselves living paycheck to paycheck. Some find themselves unexpectedly unemployed without any money in reserve, or they can become injured and unable to work. Unfortunately, this is a reality, but when it comes to heating your home or keeping the lights on, there are some services in the state which can help you.
To find an Energy Assistance Program in your area please select your county below. If you are not sure what county you live in we can help! Just click the “Find Me” button to the right and we’ll get started.
If you wish to search for a provider by name please scroll down to the Alphabetical Listings in the next section.
ABCD Energy Program provides help to eligible households in paying their winter heating bills. One application covers all programs. Programs include: CEAP Furnace Repair/Replacement, Clean Test and Tune-up services, and Matching Payment Plan/Forgiveness.
Serving: Bridgeport, Easton, Fairfield, Monroe, Stratford, Trumbull, Westport, and Norwalk
Locations: Bridgeport – Norwalk

Berlin’s Energy Assistance Program – Berlin, CT: Residents meeting the income and assets requirements for the State’s energy assistance programs may apply at Berlin Social Services during the heating season. Eligible applicants receive direct payments to their heating vendor to help reduce the the burden of heating their homes through the winter. Berlin Social Services also helps residents who wish to apply for the forgiveness programs offered by Eversource and CNG.
Location: Berlin, CT

Canton’s Emergency Fuel Bank & Energy Assistance – Canton, CT: Designed to assist families in meeting their heating needs when other sources of aid have been exhausted. Canton Senior/Social Services processes applications which are certified by CRT in Hartford every year for the state energy assistance programs that help with heating costs. Generally, applications are taken starting in October and can be submitted through the end of April.
Location: Canton, CT

Cromwell’s Emergency Fuel Bank & Energy Assistance – Cromwell, CT: The Cromwell Human Services Department acts as an intake site for energy assistance during the winter season. Please be aware that residents must apply every year! Liquid assets for homeowners is $10,000.00 and $7,000.00 for renters. Electric bill (required for all applicants regardless of heat source), Gas Bill (if primary heat source) OR Oil Company name (if oil is primary heat source). Applications for Energy Assistance are done by appointment only at the Department of Human Services.
Location: Cromwell, CT

Community Renewal Team (CRT) Energy & Weatherization: The CRT Energy Assistance program helps pay heating bills for low and and middle income renters and homeowners. Weatherization helps reduce heat and utility costs by making homes more energy efficient. CRT works with renters and homeowners of all income levels. Our programs help many Connecticut households every year. Contact us to find out if we can help you with your heating costs.
Location: State Wide Access

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP): Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a Federally-funded program that helps low-income households with their home energy bills. LIHEAP can help you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. By doing so, you can reduce the risk of health and safety problems (such as illness, fire, or eviction).
Location: State Wide Access

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Avon: The State of CT helps households pay for primary heating bills.To be eligible, household income could be up to 200% of the federal poverty income guidelines. Applications are accepted from September through April. Eligibility is based on household size, income, and assets. The utility must be billed in the name of an adult member of the household.
Location: Avon, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Bloomfield: The Community Renewal Team (CRT) processes applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) and the Contingency Heating Assistance Program (CHAP). These programs provide financial assistance for your primary source of heat.
In order to qualify you must complete an application with a CRT Intake Worker. The total income and assets for your household must not exceed the income/asset limits for the program. Click here for eligibility guidelines and paperwork needed for your application.
Location: Bloomfield, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Brookfield: Assistance for heating is available through this federally funded program. The energy program is designed to help with your winter heating costs. CEAP is not intended to pay the entire cost of home heating. If you are applying, you should continue to pay on your heating bill. If your household is determined eligible, authorizations and payments are made directly to the utility company or the fuel vendor on your behalf.
Location: Brookfield, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Durham: Applications for energy assistance must be filed annually during the application period. Energy assistance is provided to income eligible applicants through the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) and Contingency Heating Assistance (CHAP). Funds are available to “clean, tune and test” your furnace. How much assistance you receive depends on: your income & liquid assets, if someone in the household is at least 60 years or under 6, or is disabled, the number of people who live at the house and the type of heating fuel you use.
Location: East Durham, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Enfield: Community Renewal Team’s Energy Assistance Program CRT runs the State’s Winter Heating Assistance Program. Also offering Operation Fuel.
Location: Enfield, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – East Windsor: Since its inception, the East Windsor Human Services Office continues to be the intake site for the energy assistance programs for those who meet income eligibility guidelines. Programs offered are: Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) helps with winter heating costs of Connecticut’s lower income households. Eligibility is determined by family size and gross income, and by whether a household is classified as “vulnerable”. State Appropriated Fuel Assistance Program (SAFA) assists eligible residents with home heating requirements from November to April.
Location: East Windsor, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Granby: The focus of the Social Service Department is to coordinate existing federal, state, regional and local services, to increase community awareness of these services and to develop new programs to meet the needs of Granby residents.
Location: Granby, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Greenwich: Provides assistance to Greenwich residents for their energy costs. Eligibility is based on income, family size, composition, and expenses. Payments are made directly to the utility or fuel company. Operation Fuel and Renters Rebate Programs are also available.
Location: Greenwich, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Harwinton: Anyone living in the town of Harwinton who would like to apply for energy assistance must call the New Opportunities Torrington Office at (860) 496-0622 to schedule an appointment. The address is 138 Migeon Avenue, 1st Floor, Torrington, CT 06790. A Harwinton intake worker can make special exceptions for the homebound elderly or physically disabled.
Location: Harwinton, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Middletown: Energy assistance through (CEAP) helps low income households pay their primary heat source bills. Energy payments are determined by family size and gross income, and by whether a household is classified as vulnerable. Vulnerable households have a member who is under age 6, who is age 60+, or who is any age and disabled.
Location: Middletown, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Milford: The Federal Program is designed to provide financial assistance to needy households in an effort to make energy costs more affordable during the winter heating season. This assistance is helps with your main heating source such as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal or wood. Households eligible for the winter heating program may also be eligible to receive weatherization assistance. This program is intended to make small home improvements that help to conserve energy and, in turn, lower heating bills. On behalf of the Community Action Agency, TEAM Inc, The Department of Human Services has been designated as an official intake site for Milford Residents.
Location: Milford, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Monroe: Winter heating assistance pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal and wood. Homeowners and renters may apply.
Operation Fuel & Project Warmth
Location: Monroe, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – New Haven by the Community Action Agency of New Haven (CAANH): We are a results driven, high performance organization focused on providing emergency assistance to families as well as ending long term generational poverty. We provide case management services as well as other direct services, including but not limited to: energy and weatherization assistance, emergency services and mature adult services to low income families.
Serving: East Haven, Hamden, New Haven, North Haven and West Haven.
Location: New Haven, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – New Milford This program assists with payment towards a household’s primary heating source (deliverable fuel or electric heat). This is an income eligible program and qualifying income adjusts yearly. All residents must re-apply each year to get benefits.
Location: New Milford, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Newtown: It is the mission of Social Services to enhance the quality of life and self-sufficiency of people in need of social and financial services. The department offers services and referrals as well as assistance applying for local, state and federal social services programs. We are dedicated to providing services with respect, compassion and accountability.
Location: Newtown, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – North Branford: Assist homeowners and renters that are income and assets eligible in offsetting the costs of the winter fuel bill. Usual program dates are November 1st through April. Connecticut Energy Assistance Program guides and a list of required documents will be available each Fall in print at both public libraries, side lobby of Town Hall, and the Social Service lobby.
Location: North Brandford, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – North Haven: The Connecticut Energy Assistance Program is a state and federally funded program which assists families in the New Haven region with fuel expenses for their primary source of heat. This program is designed to provide Energy Assistance to individuals and families who meet the federal poverty guidelines. Eligibility is determined based upon the total income and assets of the applicant’s household.
Location: North Haven, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Simsbury: The Simsbury Social Services Department has been designated as an official intake site for residents wishing to apply for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. The program is available to assist households in paying for bills incurred after November 9th for primary heating services. The program also has a “heat included” component for renters. Each year the Energy Assistance Program income guidelines and assistance levels are revised. We encourage Simsbury residents to apply. Please call us to schedule an appointment or for additional information. Documentation is required.
Location: Simsbury, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Southbury: CEAP is administered by the Department of Social Services and coordinated by New Opportunities Inc. It is designed to help offset the winter heating costs of our most vulnerable lower income households. The Social Services completes applications for winter heating aid for low-income Southbury households from October through April. Income and asset verification is required. Call 203-262-0653 for appointments.
Location: Southbury, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Southington: The federally-funded Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is designed to help low-income households pay their winter heating bills. CEAP is not meant to pay total heating costs. Households must plan to pay a part of the bill themselves. Yet with the help of CEAP, households may secure fuel service deliveries and defray their utility heating costs. For those whose heat is included in their rent, an annual one-time financial assistance is available in the form of a check.
Location: Southington, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Stafford: Stafford Social Services processes applications for the CEAP and CHAP Energy Assistance Programs. We begin taking applications in September for oil and propane heated households. Electric heat households can begin calling for appointments in mid-October.
Location: Stafford, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Stratford: Stratford Community Services accepts applications from Stratford residents meeting income guidelines for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. Applicants are required to provide proof of residency, income, entitlements, assets, bank statements and heating bills. Stratford Community Services sends the applications to Action for Bridgeport Community Development (ABCD) for approval.
Location: Stratford, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Stonington: Stonington Human Services has been a local fuel bank for the last fifteen years, participating with Operation Fuel, TVCCA, and United Way energy assistance grant programs. Income guidelines for TVCCA’s programs range from a max of 200% of the federal poverty guidelines (CEAP) to 60% of the State Median Income (CHAP). Assistance amounts are based on established guidelines regarding family size and vulnerability. We begin taking applications in August each year.
Location: Stonington, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Tolland: Tolland Human Services – The winter heating assistance program pays for such heating sources as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal and wood/pellets. Homeowners and renters may apply. Eligibility for energy assistance is based on income, liquid assets and size of household.
Location: Tolland, CT

Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) – Westbrook: Designed to help offset the winter heating costs of Connecticut’s lower income households, specifically those households whose incomes fall at or below 60 percent of the state median income. Winter heating assistance pays for a household’s primary heating source such as oil, natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, coal, wood and wood pellets on behalf of eligible households. The amount of heat assistance may not be sufficient to cover a household’s entire winter heating cost.
Location: Westbrook, CT

Connecticut LIHEAP: Low-income households residing in Connecticut may receive financial aid to pay their heating bills during winter if they meet basic LIHEAP/CEAP requirements. LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program), known as Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) in Connecticut, aims to help low-income households stay healthy during winter by keeping indoor temperature high. The program extends its benefits to homeowners and renters equally. If an applicant is paying for heating costs as a part of rent, he/she may receive financial help through LIHEAP after passing the eligibility test.
Location: State Wide Access

Connecticut Natural Gas (CNG): We strive to provide you with reliable and essential energy delivery.
Our work doesn’t stop there—we also have many services designed to meet the variety of needs you or your family members may have.
Programs listed are as follows: Matching Payment Plan, Energy Assistance Program: Keep Your Gas On, You Manage Your Bill, and Operation Fuel.
Location: State Wide Access

Connecticut Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Fund: is a state agency which assists wartime veterans and their families and may be able to offer fuel assistance. Programs are administered by the American Legion. For more information, you can call, Toll Free: 1-800-491-4941, (within the state of Connecticut).
Location: State Wide Access

East Hampton Energy Assistance Program: The energy assistance program runs from November 1 to May 1 each year. Eligibility is determined by income level and an asset test. Call the Senior Center at 860-267-4426 for more detailed information.
Location: East Hanpton, CT

East Lyme Energy Assistance Program: East Lyme Public Safety wants you to share this information on how to apply. If you are a resident of the Town of East Lyme and know of someone in need of energy assistance or need information about energy assistance:
Residents that are 60 years of age or older or whom are disabled, can call the East Lyme Senior Center at 860-739-5859 to apply or for more information
All other residents, call TVCCA (New London Office) at 860-444-0006 to apply or for more information
For all others, additional energy assistance program information can be found by accessing the web pages below or by calling: 211
Location: East Lyme, CT

FISH NWCT: provides the most basic of human needs- food, shelter and hope. Through support programs, financial donations and the generosity of volunteers and area residents, we strive to reach out and nurture individuals, families and veterans who may find themselves in economic crisis. Our goal is to end homelessness and hunger by giving those in need the tools, resources and confidence needed to gain back their independence. We recognize the courage it takes to come forward and humbly ask for help. Every homeless person is an individual facing tough economic times; and every hungry family has their own unique story.
Location: Torrington

Human Resources Agency (HRA) of New Britain, Inc. has been dedicated to increasing economic self-sufficiency among individuals and families. Energy Assistance Keeping low-income households warm and safe during the winter months since 1979. Services Offered: Vendor mediation & Funding to help pay bills.
Locations: New Britain, CT & Bristol, CT

Madison Energy Assistance Programs – Madison, CT: Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), Furnace Replacement Program, & State Fuel Assistance Program.
Location: Madison, CT

New Opportunities: Those who meet certain income-eligibility and geographic requirements may obtain help with their energy costs from one or more of the Energy Assistance programs administered by New Opportunities Inc. The organization’s Energy Division offers both financial aid and, where needed, support in the form of Weatherization.
Locations: Meriden – Waterbury

Operation Fuel: ensures equitable access to energy for all by providing year-round energy assistance, promoting energy independence, and advocating for affordable energy. Operation Fuel partners with local government and community-based organizations at more than 100 sites throughout Connecticut to ensure that families and individuals in need have access to year-round energy assistance. In addition to helping you apply for energy assistance programs, our partner agencies may be able to connect you with programs that provide assistance for food, clothing, health services, childcare, and more.
Location: State Wide Access

Operation Fuel – Newington: The mission of Operation Fuel is to partner with communities, businesses, government and individuals to ensure people in need have access to year-round energy assistance. Operation Fuel offers emergency energy assistance to households who fall outside the government assistance programs’ eligibility guidelines or have exhausted their government assistance.
Location: Newington, CT

Rocky Hill’s Energy Assistance Program: The Human Services Department acts as an emergency intake site for energy assistance during the winter season. Most applications are done during an Energy Blitz that is scheduled in the Human Services Department with CRT certifiers.
Location: Rocky Hill, CT

TEEG (Thompson Ecumenical Empowerment Group) we have always believed that the quality of our service rests on two things: compassion for those who seek our service, and accountability to those who fund our programs.
Our ability to serve is driven by the needs of the community. We are grateful for the trust Northeast Connecticut has placed in us to offer a hand up to our neighbors in need. It is a privilege to serve and empower our community. Our motto has always been, “Whatever it takes.”
Services Include:
Back to School Supplies, Clothing Vouchers, Diaper Bank, Energy & Fuel Assistance, Food Programs, SNAP Benefits, and Homeless support
Areas Served: Brooklyn, Canterbury, Eastford, Killingly, Plainfield, Pomfret, Putnam, Sterling, Thompson, Union, & Woodstock, CT

TVCCA – Energy Assistance – The Thames Valley Council for Community Action, Inc. is a private, non-profit Community Action Agency, incorporated in 1965. We are well recognized as a community leader – and partner – in advocating for and meeting the needs of the region’s economically and otherwise disadvantaged citizens.
Location: Jewett City, CT

United Illuminating (UI): We strive to provide you with reliable and essential energy delivery. Our work doesn’t stop there—we also have many services designed to meet the variety of needs you or your family members may have. In addition, there are a variety of state programs that may be able to provide you with financial assistance with your utility bill. We can help with our Forgiveness Program, Matching Payment Plan, and Winter Protection Plan.
Location: State Wide Access

Windsor, CT Energy Assistance: The Department of Social Services can assist families during difficult times. The staff is friendly, knowledgeable and caring. All contacts are confidential. Available programs include: Community Renewal Team – CRT, The Windsor Fuel Bank, Operation Fuel, and Utility Assistance Programs.
Location: Windsor, CT

Windsor Locks, CT Energy Assistance: Liquid Asset Limit: $15,000 Homeowners, $12,000 Renters. Please call 860-627-1446 for an appointment.
Location: Windsor Locks, CT