What is a clubhouse anyways? Typically this is a community of peers with lived experience with mental illness or addiction or both. They come together alongside professional staff to create a supportive group environment. Professionally it is considered a model of psychosocial rehabilitation and helps its members by keeping them engaged with others in a social setting.
Chrysalis Center: We work with individuals and families to help them manage complicated situations. We help people identify their needs and set goals for their future. By connecting each person to community services, we help them become more independent and self-sufficient. But we don’t stop there. We’re here as long as people need us to help overcome any barriers they encounter and help smooth the path to success. Our skilled staff help people to transform their lives.
Location: Hartford, CT

Common Ground is a program that offers social, cultural, educational, rehabilitative and recreational opportunities as well as peer support and peer run programs. Common Ground is open to InterCommunity clients age 18 and up on Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm at 991 Main St, 3rd floor in East Hartford. Daily structured activities help adults learn independent living skills and socialize with others.
Location: East Hartford, CT

Fellowship Place is a social club offering a variety of activities to help people find meaningful ways to structure their day and connect with others who face similar challenges. The Social Club is open 365 days a year, including all holidays and weekends.
Location: New Haven, CT

Friendship Club is a social club that provides a safe environment to develop relationships. Enhances social skills through peer interactions and groups for men and women. Activities both on campus (dances, games, yoga) and off campus (Rock Cats games, museums, beach). Clients are referred by clinical providers or case managers.
Location: Meriden, CT

Gateway is apart of Gilead Community Services. It provides a variety of services focused on rehabilitation services and recovery support to help individuals achieve and maintain independence in the community.
Location: Chester, CT

Gilead Social Club is a rehabilitation Center that provides opportunities for adults to work and learn together, to build relationships, and to connect with others. The dedicated center staff assists clients in contributing their talents to managing both centers.
Location: Middletown, CT

Lighthouse: We recognize that behavioral health challenges may affect many aspects of a person’s life, we at United Services are dedicated to providing a variety of comprehensive services for our clients. Our supportive services work to help individuals who have a serious mental health disorder build the skills and confidence they need to lead a successful and fulfilling life.
Location: Willimantic, CT

New Heights is apart of Catholic Charities. New Heights is wellness and recovery center which is member run and member driven, many of staff identify as being in recovery. New Heights offers classes, groups, and seminars that address every aspect of emotional and physical wellness. This holistic programming includes classes such as Food and Nutrition, Mindfulness, Anger Management, Walking, and Positive Thinking.
Location: Danbury, CT

Oasis Center believes in the endless possibilities that can be harnessed simply by access to hope – hope in recovery, hope in progress, and hope in the future. At Sound Community Services, we dedicate our days to providing a culture of compassion and human connection that fosters hope through support, education, and opportunity. And while the statistics inspire our mission, they do not define it.
Location: New London, CT

Open Door Social Club: We provide social and psychoeducational services to empower individuals in recovery. The goal is to improve their quality of life by supporting the development of life skills, improving interpersonal skills and cultural activities that promote recovery.
Location: Milford, CT

Options is a BHcare Social Club. We offer an array of structured and unstructured activities geared toward building self confidence and self sufficiency. The Clubs provide a safe environment for you to make friends and carry these skills into your day to day lives. The BHcare social clubs are governed by bodies elected by their members.
Location: Branford, CT

Pathways is a private, non-profit agency that provides services for adults who suffer from severe and prolonged mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression. Programs include safe, affordable housing with varying levels of support, case management, and rehabilitation services.
Location: Greenwich, CT

Prime Time Clubhouse is first and foremost a local community center that offers people who have mental illness hope and opportunity to achieve their full potential. Much more than simply a program or a social service, a Clubhouse is a community of people working together to achieve a common goal. During the course of their participation in a Clubhouse program, members gain access to opportunities to rejoin the worlds of employment, education, family and friendships, and to the services and support they may individually need to continue their recovery. A Clubhouse provides a restorative environment for people whose lives have been severely disrupted because of their mental illness. Recovery is promoted through peer support.
Location: Torrington, CT

River Valley Services (RVS), a community mental health center and is operated by the State of Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS). RVS’s goal is to provide the highest quality crisis intervention, case management, and residential and clinical services to adult citizens, 18 years of age and older, who suffer from serious mental disorders and who lack the financial means to secure such services in the private sector.
Location: Middletown, CT

Second Wind Clubhouse This service provides settings for adults with serious mental illness to interact socially in a recovery-orientated environment. Vocational assessment, job placement and coaching, peer support and social and recreational activities are offered to empower individuals to develop skills that lead to gainful employment in the larger community. Individuals are referred to this program through other programs within the CHR system.
Location: Enfield, CT

Teamworks: Reliance Health provides individual we help for their membership, there is a positive impact on many. Healthy adults create stronger families. Stronger families empower each other to thrive and become engaged citizens. Stronger communities are built on the basis of mental wellness.
Location: Norwich, CT

Team Time Social Club: Our clients are supported and assisted to lead their lives with independence and choice. Members come in on days they choose and participate in groups and activities or spend their time socializing in a safe environment. Transportation to and from members’ homes can be provided at no cost. Along with trips and activities, the Club provides many needed opportunities to members. A laundry and grocery shuttle provides free transportation to and from a member’s home to local stores.
Location: New Britain, CT

Valley Social Club is a BHcare Social Club. We offer an array of structured and unstructured activities geared toward building self confidence and self sufficiency. The Clubs provide a safe environment for you to make friends and carry these skills into your day to day lives. The BHcare social clubs are governed by bodies elected by their members.
Location: Ansonia, CT

We Can Clubhouse This service provides settings for adults with serious mental illness to interact socially in a recovery-orientated environment. Vocational assessment, job placement and coaching, peer support and social and recreational activities are offered to empower individuals to develop skills that lead to gainful employment in the larger community. Individuals are referred to this program through other programs within the CHR system.
Location: Manchester, CT

Welcome Arms: We recognize that behavioral health challenges may affect many aspects of a person’s life, we at United Services are dedicated to providing a variety of comprehensive services for our clients. Our supportive services work to help individuals who have a serious mental health disorder build the skills and confidence they need to lead a successful and fulfilling life.
Location: Putnam, CT