As certified peers, we will find ourselves helping a variety of people from different backgrounds and in all stages of life. There will be times where our lived experience has not prepared us to understand how we can help and what resources are out there. For example, an RSS who never faced homelessness might not know what options are available or what the process is to find suitable housing. Perhaps you are working with someone who needs an advocate in an area in which you are unfamilure. What do you do?
There are over 1200 Recovery Support Specialists in Connecticut, literally thousands of years worth of different experiences which our community can share with one another. This database will serve as a quick reference for those willing to use their experiences to help you help others. So how does it work?
Everyone listed below has chosen to be part of this list and will help you if they can. The list is formatted in such a way where you can search based on the type of lived experience you are looking for.