These schools are therapeutic and available to children with special needs in Connecticut. Clinical staff are typically available to them throughout the day to assist children who have social, emotional or behavioral health problems that prevent them from functioning successfully in a regular school environment. These schools are located throughout Connecticut, this page provides the most up to date list possible. Each school has its own requirements to attend and may differ in the age range of students it serves.
Adelbrook Behavioral and Developmental Services: Meeting the developmental and behavioral challenges of children, young adults and families through a range of professional, educational, residential and therapeutic options.

Ädelbrook aims to continue its growth in order to provide a continuum of care and meet the ever-changing needs of those we serve.
Locations: Cromwell & Manchester, CT
Arch Bridge School at Wellspring: A private special education school serving children in grades 3-12. Our student body includes residents of Wellspring’s residential programs along with day students from the local community who struggle with academic success due to emotional issues.

Typical diagnoses include: ADHD, generalized anxiety, depression and mood disorders, bipolar, obsessive compulsive, eating, and post- traumatic stress disorders, non-verbal learning disabilities, and students on the autism spectrum.
Location: Bethlehem, CT
Ben Bronz Academy: is a day school for students with learning disabilities in grades 2-12. Since 1985, our unified approach has made a lasting difference for hundreds of learning disabled students.

Our goal is to help students identify and correct their functional weaknesses and to develop strong, spontaneous thinking habits that build self-confidence and foster greater curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. From dyslexia and dysgraphia to Executive Functioning Disorder and ADD/ADHD, our full-time State of Connecticut Approved Private Special Education Program has a proven track record of guiding such specially challenged students to begin on a successful lifelong learning path.
Location: West Hartford, CT
Benhaven School: is approved by the Connecticut State Department of Education and provides educational services and support to approximately 40 children and adolescents with autism, intellectual disabilities and/or related disabilities, ages 5 – 21. The School is a twelve-month educational program, providing up to 247 days of school.
Location: North Haven

Boys & Girls Village – Charles F. Hayden School: is an approved private special education facility that implements Individualized Education Plans and provides comprehensive educational and clinical day treatment services to a diverse student population ranging from ages 5-21.

The school provides a safe nurturing environment where students experience emotional, behavioral and academic growth with the ultimate goal of a successful return to a mainstream environment.
Charles F. Hayden School provides a full range of clinical services utilizing specialized approaches. Each child’s treatment team is comprised of a Social Worker, Teacher, Para-educator, Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Psychiatrist, Clinical Coordinator, and Transitional Specialist.
Location: Milford, CT
Cedarhurst School: is a private therapeutic junior and senior high school, serving grades 6-12, operated by Yale University. It offers a structured and supportive learning environment for students identified as ED and OHI.

The mission of the Cedarhurst School is to provide a safe and supportive learning environment in which all adolescents can achieve success. The goal of the mission is to integrate education and therapeutic interventions to assist in the emotional and social growth necessary to transition back to the home school district, graduate from high school, attend college or obtain gainful employment and become productive, caring members of the community.
Location: Hamden, CT
Community Child Guidance Clinic: Our mission is to assist and support children with emotional and behavioral issues by providing a special education day school and a system of child and family-focused mental health services.

We serve children ages 3-15 years of age of varying academic levels, learning abilities, and behavioral and emotional issues that may impede their ability to learn. A great advantage to our program is the individual attention and stability our children receive due to the small class sizes and low staff to student ratio; currently about 2:1.
Location: Manchester, CT
The Connecticut Junior Republic: Our Wellness Center Programs provide behavioral and mental health services for children, youth and families at many CJR locations across the state. The Cable Academic and Vocational Education Center serves Connecticut boys and girls referred by local education agencies and public schools and provides regular, special, vocational and alternative education, as well as transition and enhancement services.
Location: Litchfield, CT

Elizabeth Ives School for Special Education: We provide programming to meet the needs of students who are emotionally disturbed, neurologically impaired, speech-language disordered, autistic, mildly mentally retarded, learning disabled, or multi-handicapped.

Since many of our students manifest behavioral difficulties, we offer a comprehensive behavior program that teaches social skills, conflict resolution, cooperation, self-discipline, and acceptance of responsibility. Our environment fosters the development of the critical perceptions of capability, significance, and power to change things for the better. We offer multiple strategies to help students improve academic skills, increase time on task, and increase appropriate behavior through coping skills and decision-making. In addition to the regular curriculum, a specialized vocational skills/life skills program affords students with opportunities to prepare for the future through a combination of functional academics, socialization activities, daily living skills, vocational activities, and community participation.
Location: North Haven, CT
The Glenholme School: is an independent, co-educational special needs boarding and day school for young people, ages ten to twenty one in middle school, high school, postgraduate, transitional living for career development.

The positive atmosphere provides guidance for students with special needs to achieve competent social and academic levels. Our comprehensive learning environment supports the success of students with Asperger’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder, High Functioning Autism, ADHD, OCD, Tourette’s, depression, anxiety and various learning differences.
Location: Washington, CT
Grove School: We are a private, family-run boarding and day school for adolescents ages 11 to 18. We provide a comprehensive, intensive therapeutic and educational program that inspires personal development and academic success. Here kids learn to feel better about themselves, perform better academically, become positive constructive members of any group, and build the habits and skills they need to be content and successful when they leave Grove..

The Grove School practices holistic treatment. We work with adolescents on all aspects of their lives through clinical services, academic study, residential life, and extracurricular activities. Expert therapy, individualized programming, and relationship-building enable Grove students to overcome their emotional, social, psychological, and learning challenges, adopt effective behaviors, re-build their self-esteem, and start living productive, healthy lives.
Location: Madison, CT
High Road School of Hartford: High School is a state-approved privatized special education day school for students with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. We serve the instructional and behavioral needs of high-school-aged students in a supportive and structured environment. The program is designed to focus on personalized academic and behavioral goals so that students can return to a less restrictive educational setting.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades 8–12+ (aged 13 to 21). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Emotional Disturbance, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Mood Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Multiple Disabilities, Other Health Impairment, and ADD/ADHD.
Location: Hartford, CT
High Road School of Fairfield County: is an educational program serving the instructional and behavioral needs of students in a supportive and structured environment. We meet the instructional and behavioral needs of students with exceptionalities through a program designed to focus on personalized academic and behavioral goals so that students can return to a less restrictive educational setting.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades K–12 (aged 5 to 21). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including emotional disabilities, learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury, ADHD, other health impairments, and oppositional defiant disorder.
Location: Norwalk, CT
High Road School of Hartford: Primary & Middle School located in Hartford, Connecticut. serves students in all disability categories, but especially focus on students with emotional impairments. Within our school, we use positive behavioral supports and interventions along with a team approach to help our students learn emotional regulation skills, improve their academics, and return to their regular education environment. While students are with us, we collaborate with families, outside service agencies and our team to help our students be successful.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades K–8 (aged 6 to 15). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Intellectual Disability, Emotional Disability, Learning Disability, Specific Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language Impaired, Autism Spectrum, Intellectual Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Disabilities and OHI.
Location: Hartford, CT
High Road School of New London: Middle and High School provides individualized support within a structured environment for students who have not met with academic or behavioral success in a less restrictive environment. We serve students with a variety of challenges that have prevented them from being successful in accessing their education. Our goal is to help students gain the confidence and competence needed to successfully access their education, and to help students develop the skills necessary to return to a less restrictive environment.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades 6–12 (aged 12 to 21). Currently, High Road School of New London is privileged to educate students from not only New London, but surrounding towns as well. Students referred to High Road often face difficulties in a variety of areas, and possess Educational Diagnoses that include: Autism, Learning Disability, Emotional Disability, Other Health Impairments, Multiple Disabilities, ADHD, and more. At High Road School of New London, we believe in the success of each student that walks through our doors and utilize a team approach to provide comprehensive support to all students.
Location: New London, CT
High Road School of New London: Primary provides individualized support within a structured environment for students who have not met with academic or behavioral success in a less restrictive environment. We serve students with a variety of challenges that have prevented them from being successful in accessing their education. Our goal is to help students gain the confidence and competence needed to successfully access their education, and to help students develop the skills necessary to return to a less restrictive environment.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades K–7 (aged 5 to 13). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Emotional Disturbance (ED), Other Health Impairment (OHI) , OHI-ADD/ADHD, Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD), Speech or Language Impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and Multiple Disabilities.
Location: New London, CT
High Road School of Wallingford: High School is a small structured individual student focused program which helps students learn at their own pace and instructional level. Our Behavior model encourages socially appropriate behaviors and teaches to regulate themselves not only in the school setting but outside of it in the their own communities.

Our students come to us from all over the state with diverse and unique backgrounds. Our highly trained dedicated and caring staff builds strong bonds with our students through the use of our behavior model and by holding our students to a higher standard academically, behaviorally and personally. Our goal is for our students to leave us with the not only a quality education but also to have the skills and abilities necessary to make a difference not only in their own lives but in their communities as well.
Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades 9–12. They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Autism, Intellectual Disability, Emotional Disability, Other Health Impairments, and more.
Location: Wallingford, CT
High Road School of Wallingford: Primary/Middle School is a special education outplacement program serving the instructional and behavioral needs of students in a supportive and structured environment. The program is designed to focus on personalized academic and behavioral goals so that students with exceptionalities can return to a less restrictive educational setting.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades K–8 (ages 5–13). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including Autism, Intellectual Disability, Emotional Disability, Other Health Impairments, and more.
Wallingford, CT
High Road School of Windham County: is an educational program serving the instructional and behavioral needs of students in a supportive and structured environment. We meet the instructional and behavioral needs of students with exceptionalities through a program designed to focus on personalized academic and behavioral goals so that students can return to a less restrictive educational setting.

Students are referred by their school district to attend High Road School and are generally in grades 8-12 (ages 13-21). They face disabilities in a variety of areas, including emotional disabilities, learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury, ADHD, other health impairments, and oppositional defiant disorder.
Location: Danielson, CT
Intensive Education Academy: IEA provides programs for students diagnosed with: Autism, Developmental Delay, Dyslexia, Mild Emotional Disturbance, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Visual or Hearing Impairment, Orthopedic Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injury, Multiple Disabilities, and/or OHI-ADD/ADHD.
Location: West Hartford, CT

Journey House School: Natchaug Hospital’s Journey House program is a 13-bed specialized residential treatment facility on the Mansfield campus for adolescent girls ages 12 to 18 who are involved in the court-system. Residents are only admitted with a referral from the juvenile justice system.
Referred girls have identified needs for behavioral health services and may have a history of one or more of the following circumstances – significant trauma, mental illness, victim of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, a history of substance abuse, and assaultive and/or self-injurious behaviors.
Location: Mansfield, CT

Links Academy: is an adaptable, interactive, and supportive school community where students in Grades 6–12 rediscover their love of learning in an environment that fosters empowerment and self-advocacy.

Links cultivates rewarding educational experiences through extremely individualized instruction delivered in one-to-one and small-group settings. The foundation of our success is our philosophy that the style of instruction should fit each child’s particular learning style. Our students develop an understanding of how to learn with their learning differences, and leave with the ability to identify (and the confidence to secure) the resources they need to be successful.
Locations: New Canaan, Stamford & Riverside, CT
Lorraine D. Foster Day School (LDFDS): is a psycho-educational day program for students who have met with failure in previous school settings. We draw students primarily from New Haven and Fairfield County, but any student in the State within an hour’s driving time is eligible for consideration.

Students are referred by school districts through the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process. It is the school’s mission to empower students, enabling them to function as competent, responsible individuals who possess the ability to enrich their own lives and to contribute to the betterment of the world-at-large.
Location: Hamden, CT
Manchester Clinical Day School: Our Clinical Day School is affiliated with Manchester Memorial Hospital’s Behavioral Health Department to provide both students and their family’s access to any needed outpatient services.

Our programming includes psychiatric services, medication management, treatment programs and groups, art therapy as well as individual, group and family therapy services. Students who may benefit from our Clinical Day School include those struggling with, but not limited to:
ADD/ADHD – Autism Spectrum Disorder – Complex trauma – Disruptive behaviors – Mood disorders including depression and anxiety – Psychosis – School refusal
Location: Manchester, CT
Natchaug Clinical Day Treatment Schools: (CDT) are located at six sites throughout Eastern Connecticut. Students are referred and placed by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to provide education to these students on a short or long term basis, dependent on school needs.

Natchaug’s clinical day treatment programs, which are approved by the Connecticut Department of Education, offer special education services to students in grades 1–12 whose social, emotional or behavioral health problems prevent them from functioning successfully in a regular school environment.
Locations: Danielson, Enfield, Franklin, Mansfield Center, Norwich & Old Saybrook, CT
Newport Academy: Our therapeutic schools in CT are located in the heart of Darien, a quaint New England town that offers natural beauty and convenience to surrounding cities. The Darien campus is in southern Fairfeld County, just steps from the Metro-North train station, combining small-town accessibility with urban amenities.
Location: Darien, CT

Northwest Village School: offers a state-of-the-art learning environment and student learning resources that encourages growth and discovery. Wheeler’s teachers bring an array of subjects to life in a sensory-sensitive environment that includes engaging classrooms and innovative tools for learning. Students prepare for the future using the latest technology, and they are engaged in recreational and creative activities in the school’s gym and performance space.
Location: Plainville, CT

Raymond Hill School: Klingberg Family Centers is a private, nonprofit multi-service agency providing help to thousands of persons across Connecticut each year. Our goal is to extend hope and healing to children and families whose lives have been traumatized by abuse and/or neglect in its various forms, severe family problems and mental health issues. Through an array of group care, special education, foster care and community programs, children and parents are given the encouragement and skills they need to function more effectively at home, in school and in their community.
Location: New Britain

Rushford Academy Day School: offers State-approved, private, special education services for teens receiving treatment at Rushford at Stonegate and Rushford Academy, as well as for high school students referred by their local school districts. Successful treatment for substance abuse/dual diagnosis takes a variety of disciplines and professional experience. The Rushford Academy multidisciplinary team approach to treatment does exactly that, utilizing the skill and expertise of all members of the treatment team.
Location: Durham, CT

Solterra Academy: provides comprehensive special education for students ages 5 to 21 who require intensive intervention due to severe emotional, behavioral, cognitive, developmental and/or learning challenges. The school is designed to provide a high level of structure and support, as well as an integrated array of services to address each child’s unique profile.
Location: New Britain, CT

The Southport School: provides transformative educational experiences for students in kindergarten through 8th grade with language-based learning differences, like dyslexia, and ADHD/ADD. We recognize individual strengths, promote independent thinking, develop self-esteem and self-advocacy, and supports a successful transition for continued academic achievement.
Location: Southport, CT

The Spire School: is a private day school for college-bound students in grades 6 through 12. We are accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and are a Connecticut State-Approved Special Education School.

By integrating an individualized education with a health and wellness curriculum, The Spire School helps students realize their academic potential and supports skill development to overcome social and emotional difficulties.
Prospective Spire students, for various reasons, are not realizing their academic and social-emotional potential. Oftentimes, this is due to ineffective coping skills or difficulty regulating emotions as a result of anxiety and/or depression. These students may also be experiencing low self-confidence, self-competency and self-worth that may be resulting in school-avoidance or refusal. To promote a healthy and secure sense of self, The Spire School supports these students through an emphasis on self-care: effective coping skills, exercise, nutrition and academic empowerment.
Location: Stamford, CT
Westport Day School: Our mission is to provide a powerful and effective therapeutic education that inspires, fascinates, and transforms children who have been beset by academic and clinical challenges such as anxiety, depression, learning disability, and/or school refusal. The mission is carried out by providing intensive and individualized education of the highest quality in a safe setting.
Location: Westport, CT

Whitney Hall School: A state approved Special Education program designed to work with children, grades Kindergarten thru 12, who have emotional, behavioral and academic challenges. Whitney Hall School provides an integrated educational experience for clients living in the Residential Treatment Program and youth living in the community (Day School) and referred by local school systems.
Location: Hamden, CT

Woodhouse Academy: is a Connecticut State approved special education school. We provide an unparalleled educational, emotional, and therapeutic haven for adolescent students who have been diagnosed with internalizing psychological issues, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and/or Learning Disabilities.

At Woodhouse Academy students who have struggled in ordinary school environments or who have not lived up to their intellectual potential, can learn, adjust, overcome and be successful as they move onto college and out into the world.
Location: Milford, CT