First meeting to be held on November 4th, 2024
The Community Advocacy meetings will be held every Monday at 10:00 AM and will run for approximately 90 Minutes. Current topics may include:
Legislative Advocacy – New Bills – Changes in State Laws That Impact Peers
Peer Certification Standards – Peers in the Workforce
Peer Networking & Community Building

The Zoom link is:
You can dial in to our meetings using one of the following two options, both of which are based out of New York state. This is the closest point of access for Connecticut residence. The meeting ID is the same for either phone based method to connect, it is 828 4022 2585
One tap mobile: +19292056099,,82840222585# US (New York)
Dial in: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Please be sure to read the group guidelines before joining, Thank you!
Group Guidelines:
Who can attend the group: Recovery Support Specialists, Recovery Coaches, Community Advocates, or anyone working or volunteering to help those in recovery from mental health or addiction challenges.
Any negative or offensive language toward another person will not be tolerated: This is to be a safe space to share regardless of race, gender, sexual identity, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs. Please be mindful and respectful of a persons chosen pronouns.
Being a safe space means you also agree to respect a persons right to privacy: Do not disseminate any information shared during this group. Some people in the peer community may be frustrated by the things they see happening, people are allowed to vent and voice those frustrations.
Please keep politics out of the conversation: It is very likely that at times we talk about things happening at the Connecticut Legislative Office Building. New laws proposed or existing laws getting changed which may have an impact on peers in our state. We will focus on the topic and not get into individual political leanings or supporting one party over another.
Thank you for your cooperation in allowing us to host safe, supportive, meaningful meetings and to hold space for those who may be struggling. We are looking forward to seeing you!